Turbine Flow Meters

Turbine Flow Meters for Liquid

Turbine flow meters are flow sensors work for the inline liquids.

Turbine flow meters are cost-effective and offer reliable,

measurement with minimal flow meter maintenance required.

Turbine flow meters measure the velocity of liquids, gases, and vapors in pipes,

such as hydrocarbons, chemicals, water, cryogenic liquids, air, and industrial gases.

Types of flow meter

Featured Turbine Flow Meters

Gas Turbine Flow Meters

Liquid Turbine Flow Meters

Insertion Turbine Flow Meters


Sanitary flow meter

Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle

Turbine meters are simple to operate and maintain,

and in-service worldwide as a reliable, cost-effective method,

for achieving accurate flow measurement.

Turbine flow meters are designed to maximize throughput,

and minimize pressure drop, maintain high flow rates over an extended flow range,

and offer pulse output that is linear to the flow rate.

The turbine meters also minimize fiscal measurement uncertainty,

by delivering high-frequency pulse resolution,

to account for minute increments of the flow rate.

Turbine flow meters use the mechanical energy of the fluid to rotate a “pinwheel” (rotor) in the flow stream.

Blades on the rotor are angled to transform energy,

from the flow stream into rotational energy.

The rotor shaft spins on bearings.

When the fluid moves faster, the rotor spins proportionally faster.

Turbine flow meters now constitute 7% of the world market.

Shaft rotation can be sensed mechanically or by detecting the movement of the blades.

Blade movement is often detected magnetically,

with each blade or embedded piece of metal generating a pulse.

Turbine flowmeter sensors are typically located external to the flowing stream,

to avoid material of construction constraints that would result,

if wetted sensors were used.

When the fluid moves faster, more pulses are generated.

The transmitter processes the pulse signal to determine the flow of the fluid.

Transmitters and sensing systems are available to sense flow,

in both the forward and reverse flow directions.

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Turbine flow meter equation

The relationship between volumetric flow rate of the turbine flowmeter and the frequency of the pulses generated by the pickup sensor can be expressed in the form of the equation:

f = kQ

f = Frequency of pulses generated by pickup sensor(Hz, equivalent to pulses per second)
Q = Volumetric flow rate (e.g. litres/min)
k = “K” factor of the turbine meter (e.g. pulses per litre)

Turbine Meter K-Factor
The turbine meter measures volumetric flow, however the pulses produced vary depending on the meter. The variation is accounted for by a K-factor. The K-factor is the number of pulses per unit volume. It is primarily determined by the size and type of the turbine meter. Due to manufacturing tolerances, the actual K-factor can vary between similar models. The K-factor is applicable only to the fluid for which the meter was calibrated in the factory.

You may like Coriolis mass flow meter 

Turbine flow meter advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Turbine Flow Meters

  1. High precision, generally up to ± 1% R, ± 0.5% R.
  2. Output pulse frequency signal, suitable for total metering and connection with a computer, no zero drift, strong anti-interference ability.
  3. Compact and lightweight, easy installation and maintenance, and large-circulation capacity.
  4. Good repeatability, short-term repeatability of 0.05 ~ 0.2%, due to good repeatability, frequent calibration or online calibration can get very high precision.
  5. A special type of sensor can be designed according to user needs, such as low-temperature type, two-way, downhole type, mixed sand special type.
  6. Pressure compensation can be performed under the pressure state in which the gas to be measured is stable.
  7. The turndown is wide, medium and large caliber up to 1:20, small-caliber is 1:10.

Disadvantages of Turbine Flow Meters

  1. Need to be calibrated regularly, there is no way to maintain accuracy for a long time, can not work continuously for a long time.
  2. The cleaning requirements of the medium are high, but the filter can be installed.
  3. The flowmeter has a large influence on the flow velocity distribution (flow regulator can be installed).
  4. It is not suitable for places where the flow rate is drastically changing.
  5. Not suitable for testing of corrosive media.

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Application Industries

  • Oil & Gas
    • Water injection
    • Test and production separators
    • Disposal wells
    • Hydraulic fracturing
    • Chemical injection
    • Natural gas pipelines
  • Aerospace/Defense
    • Engine Testing
    • Fuel flow measurement
    • Shipboard reverse osmosis systems
    • Monitor fuel supply to ship engines
  • Pharma-Bio Tech, Food & Beverage
    • Sanitary measurement
    • Pill coating
  • Power Generation
    • Custody transfer
  • Industrial & Municipal
    • Building automation
    • HVAC
    • Water metering
  • Cryogenics
    • Liquids measurement for plant applications and truck deliveries

Turbine Flow Meters Price

Sino-Instrument offers all kinds of Turbine flow meters, made in China. Best Quality, and Best Price!

The price of Turbine Flow Meter is around USD400-700/pc,

which will be affected by:

  • Fluid Type
  • Viscosity
  • Connection
  • Pipe Sizing
  • Process Temperature (min & max)
  • Flow Range (min & max)
  • Pressure Range (min & max)
  • Accuracy Range
  • Specific Application

All Flow Meters can work with the NEW AMS TREX, HERE!

Sino-Instrument, Manufacturer for turbine flow meters,

like: gas turbine flow meter,

liquid turbine flow meter, sanitary turbine flow meter,

insertion turbine flow meter, steam turbine flow meter,

and natural gas turbine flow meter.

Sino-Instrument’s turbine flow meters, made in China,

Having good Quality, With better price.

Our flow measurement instruments are widely used in China, India, Pakistan, US, and other countries.

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Differential Pressure Flow Meters

Differential Pressure (DP) Flow Meters Technology –
Reliable Flow Solutions Across Many Applications

Differential Pressure Flow meters, also known as DP flow meters. Differential Pressure (DP) flow meters introduce a constriction in the pipe, that creates a pressure drop across the flow meter.

The calculation of fluid flow rate, by reading the pressure loss across a pipe restriction, is the most used flow measurement technique in industrial applications.

Differential pressure flow meters are suitable for water flow measurement, oil, steam or gas flow measurement.

According to different flow senor structures, we have:

  • Orifice Plate Flowmeters;
  • Venturi Flowmeters;
  • Nozzle Flowmeters;
  • Wedge Flowmeters;
  • Annubar Flowmeter

And more.

What is a differential pressure flow meter?

You can take this as the definition of the differential pressure flow meter.

Differential pressure flow meters, also known as DP flowmeters, create a cross-sectional change in the flow tube, which causes the velocity of the flowing fluid to change.

A change in velocity occurs whenever there is a change in flow cross-section; ie, With a decrease in velocity, an increase in pressure occurs.

Differential pressure flow meters can be used as liquid flowmeters or gas flowmeters; however, a single flow meter may not be configured to measure both liquid and gas phases.

Differential pressure (also known as throttling) Flow meters, are based on the throttling principle of fluid flow. It is one of the most mature and most commonly used methods for measuring flow in production. It is usually composed of a throttling device, which capable of converting the measured flow into a differential pressure signal, and a differential pressure gauge, and a display instrument, capable of converting the differential pressure into a corresponding flow value.

In the unit combination meter, the differential pressure signal generated by the throttling device, is often converted to a corresponding standard signal (electrical or pneumatic), by a differential pressure transmitter for display, recording or control.

The differential pressure flow meter is composed of a primary device (detection member), and a secondary device (a differential pressure converter and a flow display instrument).

Types of flow meter

The differential pressure flow meter is usually classified in the form of a test piece, such as an orifice flowmeter, a venturi flowmeter, a constant velocity tube flowmeter, a pitot tube principle-Pitoba flowmeter, and so on.

The secondary device is a variety of mechanical, electronic, electromechanical integrated differential pressure gauges, differential pressure transmitters and flows display instruments.

It has developed into a large-scale instrument with a high degree of categorization (series, generalization, and standardization) and a wide variety of specifications.

It can measure flow parameters as well as other parameters (such as pressure, level, density, etc.).

You may like the pressure level transmitter.

How does a differential pressure flow meter work?

Differential pressure flow meters use Bernoulli’s equation, to measure the flow of fluid in a pipe.

Differential pressure flow meters introduce a constriction in the pipe, that creates a pressure drop across the flowmeter.

When the flow increases, more pressure drop is created. Impulse piping routes the upstream and downstream pressures of the flowmeter to the transmitter, that measures the differential pressure to determine the fluid flow.

This technology accounts for about 21% of the world market for flow meters.

Bernoulli’s equation states that the pressure drop across the constriction is proportional to the square of the flow rate. Using this relationship, 10 percent of full-scale flow produces only 1 percent of the full-scale differential pressure.

At 10 percent of full-scale flow, the differential pressure flowmeter accuracy is dependent upon the transmitter, being accurate over a 100:1 range of differential pressure.

Differential pressure transmitter accuracy is typically degraded, at low differential pressures in its range, so flowmeter accuracy can be similarly degraded.

Therefore, this non-linear relationship can have a detrimental effect on the accuracy, and turn down of differential pressure flow meters.

Remember that of interest is the accuracy of the flow measurement system — not the accuracy of the differential pressure transmitter.

Different geometries are used for different measurements, including the orifice plate, flow nozzle, laminar flow element, low-loss flow tube, segmental wedge, V-cone, and Venturi tube.

Read more about: Shop 101: Key Factors In Selecting A Pipe Flow Meter

Differential pressure flow meter formula:


  • points 1 and 2 lie on a streamline,
  • the fluid has constant density,
  • the flow is steady,
  • and there is no friction.

Although these restrictions sound severe, the Bernoulli equation is very useful, partly because it is very simple to use. And partly because it can give great insight into the balance between pressure, velocity, and elevation.

To learn more about DP Flow:

Extended reading: Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter

Advantages and disadvantages of differential pressure flow meter

The upside of this technology is low cost, multiple versions can be optimized for different fluids and goals, are approved for custody transfer (though it is being used less and less for this). It is a well-understood way to measure flow. And it can be paired up with temperature/pressure sensors, to provide mass flow for steam and other gasses.

Negatives are that rangeability is not good due to a non-linear differential pressure signal (laminar flow elements excepted), accuracy is not the best and can deteriorate with wear and clogging.

Advantages and disadvantages of throttling differential pressure flow meter (orifice flowmeter)


1) The standard orifice plate structure of the throttle piece is easy to copy, simple, firm, stable and reliable in performance, long in service life and low in price;    

2) The throttling application range is extremely wide. All single-phase fluids, including liquid, gas, and steam, can be measured. Some mixed-phase flows, such as gas-solid, gas-liquid, liquid-solid, etc. can also be applied. General production processes and pipe diameters, The working condition (pressure, temperature) has products;    

3) All accessories can be used by all manufacturers if it is an international standard and can be used without calibration.


1) The repeatability and accuracy of the measurement are medium levels;    

2) The range is narrow because the meter signal and the flow rate are squared, the general range can only reach 3:1 ~ 5:1;    

3) The requirements for on-site installation conditions are relatively high. If a long straight pipe section is required, it is difficult to meet;    

4) The pressure piping is a weak link, which is prone to leakage, blockage, freezing and signal distortion;    

5) The pressure loss is large.

Extended reading: Integral DP Flow Meter|Gas, liquid, steam|Compact structure

What is the relationship between flow and differential pressure?

Differential pressure use Bernoulli’s equation to measure the flow of fluid in a pipe.

Differential pressure flow meters introduce a constriction in the pipe, that creates a pressure drop across the flowmeter.

When the flow increases, more pressure drop is created.

y+P(x)y =Q(x)y^n (equation)

is called a Bernoulli differential equation where n is any real number.

The graph below shows the resulting pressure drop for water at 60 F, over a range of flow rates for a 100-foot long pipe, for both 4 inches and 6-inch schedule 40 piping.

the relationship between flow and differential pressure

If you need, you can learn more about Flow Rate And Pressure Relationship.

How to Select a Flow Meter?

The basis of good flow meter selection is a clear understanding of the requirements of the particular application.

Therefore, time should be invested in fully evaluating the nature of the process fluid and of the overall installation.

  1. What is the fluid being measured by the flow meter(s) (air, water, etc…)?
  2. Do you require rate measurement and/or totalization from the flow meter?
  3. If the liquid is not water, what viscosity is the liquid?
  4. Is the fluid clean?
  5. Do you require a local display on the flow meter or do you need an electronic signal output?
  6. What are the minimum and maximum flow rate for the flow meter?
  7. What are the minimum and maximum process pressure?
  8. What are the minimum and maximum process temperature?
  9. Is the fluid chemically compatible with the flow meter wetted parts?
  10. If this is a process application, what is the size of the pipe?

Types of Differential Pressure Flowmeters

Flat metal plate with an opening in the plate installed perpendicular to the flowing stream in a circular pipe.

As the flowing fluid passes through the orifice, the restriction causes an increase in velocity and a decrease in pressure.

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure between the orifice and the pipe flow stream. 

There is always a permanent pressure loss. No dirty liquids allowed.

Orifice differential pressure flowmeters can be constructed to measure gas, liquid or steam.

Orifice plates are primary flow elements which measure flow as a function of differential pressure.

A restriction with a relatively long passage having a smooth entry and exit.

A venturi produces less permanent pressure loss than an orifice but is more expensive.

They are often used in dirty streams because there is no build-up of the foreign material.

Venturi flow meters can be constructed to be either gas flowmeters or liquid flow meters.

Extended reading: What Is A Venturi Flow Meter?

Smooth entry and sharp exit. Permanent pressure loss is on the same level as an orifice, with the added ability to handle dirty and abrasive fluids.

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure between the nozzle and the pipe flow stream.

This type of differential pressure flowmeter technology can be constructed to measure either gas or liquids.

Extended reading​: What is a flow nozzle?

A device consisting of a Pitot tube and an annubar tube combined with static pressure ports.

The differential pressure between the two ports is the velocity head.

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure differential between the two ports.

This indication of velocity combined with the cross-sectional area of the pipe provides an indication of flow rate. 

Pitot tube flow meters can measure either liquids or gases.

Differential pressure is caused by centrifugal force between the inside diameter and the outside walls of the pipe elbow.

It does not introduce any additional pressure loss other than that caused by the elbow. 

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure between the walls.

This type of flow meter technology can be configured as either a gas or a liquid flow meter.

A wedge-shaped element that is perpendicular to the flow at the top of the conduit which means that the bottom part is unrestricted.

Therefore, it is useful in slurry measurement.   

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure between either side of the wedge.

However, this type of differential pressure flow meter technology can be constructed to work as either a gas or a liquid flow meter.

Consists of a V-shaped cone element placed at the center of the pipe which creates an annular space for the passage of fluid.

It has a lower permanent pressure loss than orifice flowmeter.

The cone element conditions the flow at the same time it is creating the pressure differential, providing for smoother and less noisy differential pressure readings vs. the orifice technology.  

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure before and after the cone. 

This type of differential pressure flow meter can be constructed to measure gases, liquids, or steam.

This type of flow meter relates a change in flow rate to the differential pressure across a spring-loaded cone.

The cone repositions itself to balance the force.  

This, in turn, changes the aperture for the flow.

Flow rate has a relationship with the differential pressure of the flow meter and the position of the spring-loaded cone.

A differential pressure transmitter is used to indicate flow.

This type of differential pressure flow meter technology can be constructed to measure either gas or liquids.

Flow rate is linearly proportional to the differential pressure and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the flowing fluid.  

A flow can be made laminar by passing through a bundle of small diameter tubes.

A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure before and after the tubes.

This type of differential pressure flow meter technology can be constructed to measure either gas or liquids.

Featured DP Flow Meters for Sale

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Sino-Inst is a manufacturer of Differential Pressure Flow Meters. We supply more than 20 types of Differential Pressure Flow Meters. 30% are orifice plate flow meters. 30% are Annubar type flowmeters, and 40% are other differential pressure flowmeters,

Differential pressure flowmeter is a new type of transmitter integrating differential pressure transmitter, pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter, and flow totalizer. It can display working pressure, temperature, instantaneous and cumulative flow. It can also perform automatic temperature and pressure compensation for gas and steam, and realize the function of directly displaying the standard flow rate and mass flow rate on site. In the case of an external 24V power supply, it can also provide current, frequency, and 485 personnel transmission. And it can work for 2-3 years with one battery, and can be directly matched with differential pressure flowmeters.

There are many types of differential pressure flowmeters, such as orifice flowmeters, uniform velocity tube flowmeters, and Venturi flowmeters are based on flow sensing in pipelines. They calculate the flow according to the differential pressure generated by the flow detection in the pipeline. They have the advantages of firm structure, stable performance and long service life.

Sino-Inst has provided pressure measurement solutions to customers for many years. Our Differential Pressure Flow Meters, made in China. Widely exported to the United States, Britain, Germany, South Africa, Norway and other countries.

If you need Differential Pressure Flow Meterss, but have technical questions, please feel free to contact our sales engineers.

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Venturi Flow Meter

Venturi flow meter is also called classical venturi, and is used to call venturi meter, standard venturi. It is used to measure the flow of single-phase stable fluid in closed pipelines.

Venturi flow meter is a flow measurement method based on the principle of differential pressure. Commonly used to measure the flow of fluids such as air, natural gas, coal gas, and water. In the standard throttling device, the upstream and downstream straight pipe sections required by it are short. The lasting pressure loss is small, the performance is stable, and the maintenance is convenient.

Sino-Inst, Manufacturer for differential pressure flow meters. Including the Orifice plate, Venturi, Annubar, etc. Suitable for liquid, gas, and steam flow measurement. Please contact our sales engineers for technical support!

Features of Venturi flow meter

  • Less head loss than an orifice or nozzle meter, due to the streamlined design
  • Ideal for clear gas, liquid or steam applications
  • Available in many materials and end arrangements
  • Can be equipped with fittings to accept secondary instrumentation packages

The classic venturi tube is simple, durable and stable in performance.

Classic venturi pressure loss is small, saving the energy needed for fluid delivery.

Classic venturi tube in the range of 50 ~ 1200.

No real-flow calibration is required.

Beyond this range, you can refer to the design and manufacture.

When high precision is required, real-time calibration is possible.

The body is installed in long size, and it is not convenient for transportation and installation for large-diameter instruments.

What is a venturi flow meter?

Venturi flowmeter, also known as venturi tube flow meter. It is a commonly used device for measuring the flow of pressurized pipelines.

It is a differential pressure flowmeter, and is commonly used to measure the flow of air, natural gas, gas, water, and other fluids.

It consists of a “contraction section”, a “throat” and a “diffusion section”, which are installed on the pipe where the flow rate needs to be measured.

The classic venturi tube is designed and manufactured, according to China GB/T2624-93, and is verified according to the verification procedure JJG640-94.

In the standard throttling device, it requires the shortest upstream and downstream straight pipes, the lowest pressure loss, stable performance, and convenient maintenance.

Because of its accurate calculation and low energy consumption, it has been widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, and metallurgy industries.

Venturi flow meter parameters:

1. Nominal diameter: 50mm≤DN≤1200mm (more than this range needs to be calibrated)                 

Roughcasting shrinkage section: 100mm ≤ DN ≤800mm                

Mechanical processing shrinkage section: 50mm ≤ DN ≤ 250mm                 

Shrinking section of rough welded iron plate: 200mm≤DN≤1200mm

2. Throttle aperture ratio β: 0.3 ≤ β ≤ 0.75                    

Roughcast shrinkage segment: 0.3 ≤ β ≤ 0.75                   

Machining shrinkage section: 0.4 ≤ β ≤ 0.75                    

Coarse section of rough welded iron plate: 0.4≤β≤0.7

3. Reynolds number range: 2 × 10 5 ≤ ReD ≤ 2 × 10 6                  

Rough cast shrinkage section: 2 × 10 5 ≤ ReD ≤ 2 × 10 6                   

Machining shrinkage section: 2 × 10 5 ≤ ReD ≤ 2 × 10 6                   

Shrinkage section of rough welded iron plate: 2×10 5≤ReD≤2×10 6

4. Accuracy level: 1

Venturi Flow Meter PDF

Classic venturi flowmeter structure

venturi flowmeter structure

The axial section of the classic venturi is shown in the figure above.

It is composed of an inlet cylinder section A, a conical contraction section B, a cylindrical throat C, and a conical diffusion section E.

The diameter of the cylinder section A is D, the length is equal to D. The contraction section B is conical and has an angle of 21 ° ± 1 °. The throat C is a cylindrical shape of diameter d, the length of which is equal to d;

E is conical and has a diffusion angle of 7° to 15°.

The constricted section of the classic venturi is divided into three forms: a coarse cast shrinkage section, a machined shrinkage section, and a coarse welded iron plate shrinkage section.

The upper-pressure port and the throat pressure port of the classic venturi, are made into several (not less than four) separate tube wall pressure ports.

And several separate tube walls are pressure-connected by a pressure-equalizing ring.

When d≥33.3mm, the diameter of the throat pressure port is 4~10mm, the diameter of the upstream pressure port should be no more than 0.1D. When d≤33.3mm, the diameter of the throat pressure port is 0.1d~0.13d. The diameter of the upstream pressure tap is 0.1d to 0.1D.

Extended reading: How to realize the flow accumulation function in PLC?

Venturi meter working principle

Venturi flowmeter working principle

The Venturi flow meter produces a differential pressure, to calculate the flow rate through a pipe.

The meter works by measuring the pressure of fluid before and after it passes through a narrow tube; the pressure difference indicates the volumetric rate of flow.

The basic measurement principle of the new generation, of differential pressure flow measuring instruments, is the flow measurement method based on the law of conservation of energy – the primary effort equation and the flow continuity equation.

The inner venturi consists of a circular measuring tube, and a special core placed in the measuring tube and coaxial with the measuring tube.

The outer surface of the special core has a geometric profile, similar to the inner surface of a classic venturi. And forms a different diameter annular flow gap with the inner surface of the measuring tube.

How does a Venturi meter work?

The working of venturi meter is based on the principle of Bernoulli’s equation.

Bernoulli’s Statement: 

It states that in a steady, ideal flow of an incompressible fluid, the total energy at any point of the fluid is constant.

The total energy consists of pressure energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy or datum energy.


Here all the energies are taken per unit weight of the fluid.

The Bernoulli’s equation for the fluid passing through the section 1 and 2 are given by

Flow tools:

DP Flow Meter Output CalculatorFlow Meter 4-20mA Current Output CalculatorFlow Velocity & Pipe Diameter to Volumetric Flow Rate Calculator
Mass Flow & Density to Volume Flow CalculatorMass Flow Rate Unit ConverterVolume Flow Rate Converter
Volume Flow & Density to Mass Flow CalculatorVolumetric Flow Rate & Pipe Diameter to Flow Speed Calculator

Venturi Flow Meter Applications

Since its development, venturi products have been successfully applied to the measurement of high-humidity natural gas, low-pressure dirty biogas, coke oven gas, gas, steam, hot water, high-temperature hot kerosene, etc., And the practical application range is rapidly expanding.

Besides, the venturi tube has a unique measurement advantage, for measuring conditions such as long straight pipe installation conditions, special high temperature, high pressure, strong corrosive and dirty media, and non-single phase flow measurement.

Of course, in the sewage and wastewater treatment industry, in addition to venturi flowmeters, electromagnetic flowmeters are also the first consideration for many users.
For example, if you need to measure the flow of wastewater in a 2-inch pipe. Then you can refer to: Magnetic Flow Meters Guides.

Extended reading:  Flow Nozzle for Steam Flow Measurement

Orifice meter vs Venturi meter

The orifice flow meter is a flowmeter with a variable cross-sectional pressure difference.

The velocity at the vein is the largest, the pressure of the fluid is minimized, the structure is simple, but the resistance loss is large.

The Venturi flow meter is also a flowmeter with a variable cross-section pressure difference.

On the basis of the orifice flowmeter, the orifice plate is replaced by a lengthy and gradually expanding short tube, and the structure is simple, the resistance loss is small, but the cost is high.

The orifice flowmeter is similar to the venturi flowmeter, in terms of working principle. But some of the main differences are that the orifice plate can be easily replaced. Adapting to a wide range of different flow rates, while the venturi’s throat diameter is fixed.

The measured flow rate range is limited by the actual pressure difference.

Due to the vortex on the downstream side of the orifice plate, the permanent loss of the orifice flowmeter is large. And the structural shape of the venturi flowmeter can avoid the formation of vortices.

Thus, permanent losses can be greatly reduced.

Venturi flowmeters consume much less energy in measuring flow than orifice flowmeters.

But because venturi flowmeters are more time consuming and expensive than orifice flowmeters, in manufacturing and processing.

Orifice flowmeters is the least troublesome when installing the pipeline and the lowest cost.

In fluid measurement, venturi flowmeters are typically used for the measurement of gas flow at low flow rates.

The orifice flow coefficient in orifice flowmeters is significantly affected by fluid disturbances, which are generated upstream of the orifice plate.

The influence of valves, elbows and other fittings.

The value of its flow coefficient is less affected by downstream disturbances.

Typically, such flow meters should be installed at 50 and 10 pipes diameters, from the upstream and downstream disturbance components, respectively.

It is obvious that the required distance is related to the nature of the disturbance.

Therefore, when measuring with an orifice flowmeter, the orifice flowmeter must be properly installed according to the disturbance of the fluid.

Through the specific analysis and comparison of the orifice flowmeter and the venturi flowmeter, the advantages and disadvantages between them can be seen. And the user is reminded to analyze and compare more when selecting the flowmeter.

In this way, you can choose the measurement tools you need.

Extended reading: [Working principle&Price]SI3051ANB Annubar Flow Meter

Pitot Tube vs Venturi Meter

Pitot tube flowmeter is a new type of advanced insertion type differential pressure flowmeter. It is designed and manufactured according to the standard of IS03966 “Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Pipeline – Velocity Area Method Using Pitot Tube Static Pressure Tube”.

To meet the different measurement requirements of different field conditions, Pitot tube flow sensors are divided into standard and functional structures.

The standard type is suitable for the measurement of pure gas, steam, liquid and various chemical materials and liquids. The function is suitable for the working conditions of easy blockage, adhesion, high impurity content, and solid-liquid mixed flow such as various coal gas in the metallurgical industry. Measurement of gas, steam and various liquids.

Smart Pitoba flowmeter is easy to scale and easy to install. Just make a hole in the pipeline. Insert the Smart Pitoba into the center of the pipeline. Connect it with the pipeline by welding or flange.

The difference between Pitot tube vs venturi meter, in simple terms:

  1. Pitto is taking advantage of the same point.
    The only difference between the total pressure and the static pressure is the dynamic pressure V2/2g to obtain the speed and flow.
  2. The Venturi nozzle is used to pass through two points of variable diameter.
    The measured pressure difference is the dynamic pressure increase (or static pressure decrease).
    List the continuity equation with the product of diameter and velocity.
    Then find the speed and flow.


Yes, Venturi tubes can measure volume flow. To be precise, the Venturi tube measures differential pressure. The differential pressure signal is transmitted to the integrator or the monitoring system, and the compensation operation is performed. is further converted into traffic. Most customers monitor volume flow.

The Venturi effect, also known as the Venturi effect. This phenomenon is named after its discoverer, the Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Venturi.

This effect is manifested when the restricted flow passes through the narrowed flow section. The flow velocity of the fluid increases, and the flow velocity is inversely proportional to the flow section.

And according to Bernoulli’s law, the increase of flow velocity is accompanied by the decrease of fluid pressure. That is, the common Venturi phenomenon.

In layman’s terms, this effect means that a low pressure will be generated near a fluid flowing at a high speed, resulting in adsorption. Using this effect, a venturi can be made.

Venturi Flow Meter is a device for measuring the flow of a pressure pipeline, which belongs to a differential pressure flowmeter. It is generally installed on the pipeline that needs to measure the flow, and can measure the flow of air, natural gas, gas, water and other fluids.
Venturi Flow Meter is widely used in many energy and power industries such as gas, electricity, cement, etc. due to its simple structure, wide range of applicable working conditions, and easy real-time monitoring.

When the fluid flows through the orifice plate of the orifice flow instrument device, the cross-sectional area decreases and the velocity increases. The corresponding pressure decreases. And the degree of reduction is proportional to the fluid velocity in the flow state.

Therefore, the flow rate can be calculated by detecting the pressure difference, and then the flow rate can be calculated.

Under normal circumstances, if we want to measure differential pressure, we can directly purchase a differential pressure transmitter.

However, in fluid pipelines. The differential pressure of the fluid cannot be measured directly. A throttle is required.

When the differential pressure flowmeter measures the fluid flow parameters, it is based on the differential pressure generated by the throttling part. When the fluid passes through the throttling part, because the pipe section becomes narrower. Therefore, the flow velocity of the fluid in the pipeline increases, and the kinetic energy of the fluid also increases. increased accordingly.

Ideally, when the fluid velocity increases, part of the static pressure will be converted into fluid kinetic energy. The static pressure value of the fluid will decrease accordingly.

At this time, a pressure difference is generated, and there is a certain functional relationship between the pressure difference and the fluid flow. Only by measuring the pressure difference, the flow value of the fluid can be determined.

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Sino-Inst, China, supplies all kinds of Flow Meters. Provide professional flow measurement solutions.

Sino-Inst offers over 50 flow meter products. About 50% of these are differential pressure flow meters (like the Orifice flowmeter), 40% are Magnetic Flow Meters, and 40% are Thermal mass flowmeters.

A wide variety of Annubar flow meter options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples. 

Sino-Inst is a globally recognized supplier and manufacturer of flow measurement instrumentation, located in China.

The top supplying country is China (Mainland), which supply 100% of the turbine flow meter respectively. Sino-Inst sells through a mature distribution network that reaches all 50 states and 30 countries worldwide.

You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, with ISO9001, ISO14001 certification.

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VERIS Verabar Flow Meter

The VERIS Verabar Flow Meter, also called the Verabar Averaging Pitot Tubes, is a kind of differential pressure flow meter.

The SI-VL Verabar Flow Meter is designed with an aerodynamic engineering structure and is a sensor element. The VERIS Verabar Flow Meter is a plug-in flow meter. A Verabar tube sensor is inserted into the pipe. When the fluid flows through the sensor, a high-pressure distribution zone is created in the forward direction of the flow. And a low-pressure distribution zone is created in the rear. Verabar Flow Meter can be used to measure dry gas, humid gas, liquid or vapor, without being limited by dielectric constant.

Sino-Inst, Manufacturer for differential pressure flow meters. Including the Orifice plate, Venturi, Annubar, etc. Suitable for liquid, gas, and steam flow measurement. Please contact our sales engineers for technical support!

Features of VERIS Verabar Flow Meter

  • The measure parts design base on-air dynamic principle
  • The static pressure hole on the back side, produce the static pressure before split point between fluids and transducer, is the stable pulse signal
  • Without removable parts, which can insure long term of the transducer, and also can insure long term stability, eliminate the precision drift
  • Dust prevention. VERIS Verabar flow sensor is installed on both side of the transducer, not sensitive to medium particle and dust
  • Uniform veloc
  • ity tube flow sensor made of special material, in order to meet the demand of corrosive, high temperature, and pressure
  • Easy to install;

SI-VL Verabar flow meter Specifications

  • Applicable pressure: 0~30MPa
  • Applicable temperature: -25 ~ +550 degrees
  • Measurement accuracy: 1.5%
  • Repeatability: 0.5%
  • Sensor material: 304, 316L or special order
  • Pipe size: DN38 ~ DN15000 round pipe or square pipe
  • Turndown ratio: 10:1
  • Flow range: the upper and lower limits of the measurement are at the probe strength and the minimum allowable differential pressure

Verabar flowmeter measures the required minimum flow rate and differential pressure

MediumFlow rateMinimum differential pressure

VERIS Verabar flow sensors combined with Sino-Inst differential pressure transmitters. Provide the most reliable and accurate DP flow measurement solution on the market.

Differential pressure transmitter is a transmitter that measures the pressure difference between the two ends of the transmitter. The differential pressure transmitter outputs standard signals (eg 4 ~ 20mA, 0 ~ 5V). DP transmitters are different from pressure transmitters as they have 2 pressure interfaces. Differential pressure transmitters are generally divided into positive and negative pressure end. In general, the pressure at the positive end should be greater than the pressure in the negative section to measure. With flanges, capillaries, valve, brackets, throttle devices. Differential pressure transmitters are used to measure the level, density, and pressure of liquids, gases, and vapors. Then convert it into 4–20mADC current signal output.

Extended reading: [Working principle&Price]SI3051ANB Annubar Flow Meter

3-Types of Verabar Flowmeters

SI-VL200 verabar flow meter

SI-VL200 verabar flow meter

The VL200 can be inserted and removed under pressure.

Use this model when you can not shut down the pipe to insert the sensor.

The VL200 is the most frequently sold hot-tap model.

It is available in single rod and double rod units for high pressure.

SI-VL350 verabar flow meter

SI-VL350 verabar flow meter

The VL350 can be inserted and removed under pressure.

The insertion mechanism (Jack) can be removed and used on multiple pipes. 

The Jack can be stored in a dry location away from the elements making it ideal for outdoor and coastal installations.

SI-VL400 verabar flow meter

SI-VL400 verabar flow meter

The VL400 can be inserted and removed under pressure.

Similar to a VL200 except it has a flanged connection to the pipe for added sealing capability. 

When plant regulations require a flanged hot tap connection, the VL400 is the correct model to use.

It is available in single rod and double rod units for high pressure.

VERIS Verabar Flow Meter Structure

The Verabar meter flowmeter consists of a detection rod, pressure tap, and a guide rod.

The cross-sectional shape of the detection tube of Verabar is divided into a variety of structures such as a circle,a diamond shape, and an elliptical shape.

What is Verabar Flow Meter?

The VERIS verabar flow meter is a high precision measuring instrument. Based on the principle of a piton tube measurement and applies the air dynamic theory.

Verabar flow meters belong to differential pressure flow meters, rate average of the flow sensor.

It measure flow rate through the differential, between average total pressure and static pressure, which often is used to measure the flow rate of the liquids, steam, and gas.

Extended reading: What Is A Venturi Flow Meter?

VERIS Verabar flow meter working principle

Verabar flow meter working principle

When the fluid flows through the probe, a high-pressure distribution zone is created at the front.

And the pressure in the high-pressure distribution zone is slightly higher than the static pressure of the pipeline.

According to the Bernoulli equation, the velocity of the fluid flowing through the probe is increased, and a low-pressure distribution zone is generated at the rear of the probe.

The pressure in the low-pressure distribution zone is slightly lower than the static pressure of the pipeline.

The fluid flows from the probe and creates a partial vacuum, at the back of the probe with vortices on either side of the probe.

The cross-sectional shape of the constant velocity flow probe, the rough surface condition and the position of the low-pressure tapping orifice are key factors, in determining probe performance.

The stability and accuracy of the low voltage signal are decisive for the accuracy, and performance of the uniform velocity probe.

The Verabar average velocity probe detects the average differential pressure produced, by the average velocity of the fluid.

The VERIS Verabar average velocity flow probe has multiple pairs of pressure tapping holes, arranged in certain directions in the high and low-pressure areas, which makes it possible to accurately measure the average flow rate.

Applications of Verabar Flow Meter

VERIS Verabar flowmeters are widely used in power plants, petrochemicals, metallurgy, water treatment, fine chemicals, environmental protection and other industries.

Verabar flowmeters are used in a wide range of applications for a wide range of gas, liquid and vapor measurements.

The following are typical application media.

  • Water Treatment
  • Pump Testing
  • Paper & Pulp
  • Effluent Treatment Plants
  • Waste Water & Sewerage
  • Food & Dairy Processing
  • Chemical Process Plants
  • Gas/Liquid/Steam;
  • Natural Gas
  • Cooling Water
  • Saturated Steam;
  • Compressed Air
  • Boiler Water/Superheated Steam;
  • Gas/Demineralized Water;
  • Gas Hydrocarbon/Liquid Hydrocarbon;
  • Hot Air/Cryogenic Liquid;
  • Producer Gas/Thermal Liquid

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Sino-Inst offers over 10 VERIS Verabar flow meter products. These are differential pressure flow meters, 40% are water meters (like the Insertion Turbine Flow Meter), and 40% are water treatment (like the Annubar flow meter ).

A wide variety of VERIS Verabar flow meter options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples.

Sino-Inst is a globally recognized supplier and manufacturer of VERIS Verabar flow meter, located in China. The top supplying country is China (Mainland), which supply 100% of the VERIS Verabar flow meter respectively.

Sino-Inst sells through a mature distribution network that reaches all 50 states and 30 countries worldwide. VERIS Verabar flow meter products are most popular in Domestic Market, Southeast Asia, and Mid East.

You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, with ISO9001, ISO14001 certification.

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SI 3051ANB Annubar Flow Meter

Annubar flow meter also known as flute-shaped constant velocity tube flow meter and Toba tube flow meter. Annubar flow meter is a differential pressure flow meter.

Annubar Flow Meter is a no-equal solution with a patented, averaging pitot tube that delivers superior measurement accuracy over a wide flow range. This flow meter can measure multiple variables and is engineered with an integrated thermowell for temperature measurement. Its patented T-shaped sensor is capable of obtaining measurements via a single pipe penetration while maintaining a small profile in the pipe to reduce permanent pressure loss and increase energy savings.

Sino-Inst, Manufacturer for differential pressure flow meters. Including the Orifice plate, Venturi, Annubar, etc. Suitable for liquid, gas, and steam flow measurement. Please contact our sales engineers for technical support!

Features of SI 3051ANB Annubar Flow Meter

  1. Honeycomb hexagonal stable structure,increasing the range ratio.
  2. Suitable for square or rectangular pipes.
  3. For the unavoidable clogging problem of similar products in measuring dirty media, achieve non-stop production maintenance.
  4. Average speed tube + three valve group + temperature pressure compensation + transmitter, form an integrated structure, easy to use.
  5. No flow coefficient drift, long-term stability.
  6. Exclusively provide intuitive resonance check to ensure long-term stable operation.
  7. Low pressure loss, low energy consumption, significant energy saving effect.
  8. Easy to install and save labor, low price and fast delivery (1 week)

Annubar Flow Meters’ technical parameters

  • Suitable for measuring the flow of liquids, gases, and steam.
  • The maximum working temperature of 1300 ° C (with appropriate materials and mounting parts).
  • The highest working pressure up to 400Bar (40MPa)
  • The highest viscosity is 500 cp
  • The length of the upstream and downstream straight pipe sections is required to be short.
  • Standard stainless steel grade.
  • Long-term accuracy is not affected by wear and tear.
  • Specifications: DN50-DN5000 (mm); insert: DN500-DN5000 (mm);
  • Measurement accuracy: ±6.0%; repeatability: ±0.1%;
  • Range:
    • volume flow: 10:1;
    • mass flow: 8:1;4,
    • working pressure: the average speed tube does not propose a functional type: ≤ 20MPa;
    • the average speed tube can be proposed type: ≤ 10MPa;
  • Fluid temperature: ≤ 450 ° C; Medium viscosity: ≤ 30CP (equivalent to heavy oil);
  • Material:
    • Average speed tube, three valve group: various grades of stainless steel (optional);
    • Main pipe, flange: stainless steel or carbon steel (optional);

Application of the Annubar flow meter

The output of the Annubar flowmeter is a differential pressure signal.

It can be used with instruments that measure differential pressure to accurately measure a variety of liquids, gases and vapors (superheated steam and saturated steam) in the He-shaped pipe and rectangular pipe.

The size of the pipe to be tested ranges from 20MM to 5000MM. Annubar has been successfully used in the chemical industry, (including the nuclear industry) chemical industry, petrochemical industry and metal smelting industry.

It is suitable for:

  1. Gas delivery and liquid delivery
  2. Energy research, steam boiler heat rate, pump efficiency.
  3. Gas compressor efficiency and fuel consumption
  4. Process control: input and output, ratio, balance; cooling water or air, steam heating.
  5. Feeding in the chemical industry

The Use and Characteristics of the Annubar flowmeter

The Annubar flowmeter is an ideal substitute for differential pressure fow measurement. Because of its simple installation, low-pressure loss, high strength, no wear and no leakage.

It can be widely used in industrial and mining enterprises to measure the flow of blast furnace gas, compressed air, steam and other liquids and gases.

1. The unique internal secondary average structure provides high precision (±1% reading), and high repeatability (±0.1%).

2. The outer impact tube of the Annubar flowmeter, is processed by a single piece of material without welding.

It has the highest strength, compared with similar products welded by the double-body structure. And it is also convenient to use high-temperature resistance and corrosion resistant material.

Working principle of Annubar flow meter

Annubar flow meter working principle

When the fluid flows through the probe, a high-pressure distribution zone is created at the front. And the pressure in the high-pressure distribution zone is slightly higher than the static pressure of the pipeline.

According to the Bernoulli equation, the velocity of the fluid flowing through the probe is increased. And a low pressure distribution zone is generated at the rear of the probe.

The pressure in the low-pressure distribution zone is slightly lower, than the static pressure of the pipeline.

The fluid flows from the probe and creates a partial vacuum, at the back of the probe with vortices on either side of the probe.

The cross-sectional shape of the constant velocity flow probe, the rough surface condition and the position of the low-pressure tapping orifice are key factors, in determining probe performance.

The stability and accuracy of the low voltage signal, is decisive for the accuracy and performance of the uniform velocity probe.

The Annubar average velocity probe detects the average differential pressure, produced by the average velocity of the fluid.

The Annubar average velocity probe has multiple pairs of pressure tapping holes, arranged in a certain standard in the high and low-pressure zones, making it possible to accurately measure the average flow rate.

Annubar Flow Meter Calculation

The flow calculation formula of the uniform velocity tube flowmeter is derived from the Bernoulli equation and the continuity equation:

Qv=α﹒ ε﹒ (π/4)﹒ D2﹒ (2P/ρ1)0.5
Qm=α﹒ ε﹒ (π/4)﹒ D2﹒ (2?P﹒ρ1)0.5
Among them: Qv: volume flow
Qm: mass flow
α: Sensor structure coefficient
△P: Differential pressure value
ε: fluid expansion coefficient
ρ: Density under fluid conditions
ε: fluid expansion coefficient
For incompressible fluid ε=1, for compressible body ε<1. If D, △P, and ρ1 in the formula all use SI units, the unit of QV is M3∕S. The unit of Qm is ㎏∕S.

How Averaging Pitot Tubes Work-Annubar Technology

Video source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ofiQPZkGPJM?rel=0

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Annubar flowmeter:


  • Can be inserted through a small opening.
  • Can be used to sample the velocity at several points.
  • Reasonable design, easy installation, and economy
  • Low-pressure drop, minimal obstruction.
  • High accuracy and good stability


  • Single point measurement.
  • The pitot tube is fragile
  • DP signal is low.

Annubar flow meter calibration

The annubar flowmeter is a commonly used type of flowmeter. It is a new type of differential pressure flow detection component, developed based on the principle of pitot tube velocity measurement.

It has the advantages of stable performance, flexible use and high reliability.

1. Connect the signal cable and power cable;

2, open the import and export valves, the inlet and outlet valves must be consistent

3. Open the stainless steel three-valve balance valve, slowly open the high-low pressure end of the orifice plate, and close the stainless steel three-valve balance valve, after the fluid passes through the flowmeter.

Annubar flowmeter installation pipeline conditions:

(1) The straight pipe sections before and after the throttle piece must be straight, and must not be visible to the naked eye.

(2) The straight pipe section used for installing the throttle piece should be smooth. If it is not smooth, the flow coefficient should be multiplied by the roughness correction sparse.

(3) In order to ensure the flow of the fluid, a fully developed turbulent velocity distribution is formed in the 1D before the throttle. And the distribution is made into a uniform axisymmetric shape, so:

1). The straight pipe section must be round. And the roundness of the 2D range of the throttle is very strict and has a certain roundness index.

Specific measurement method:

(A) On the OD, D/2, D, 2D 4 vertical pipe sections of the throttle, measure the inner diameter of the four pipes, at least equal to each other with an equal angular distance, and take the average value D.

The difference between the measured value of internal diameter, and the average value shall not exceed ±0.3%.

(B) After the throttle element, 8 inner diameter single measured values ​​are measured, by the above method at the OD and 2D positions. And any single measured value is compared with D. And the large deviation of zui must not exceed ±2%.

2). Before and after the throttle element, a straight pipe section of sufficient length is required.

The length of the straight pipe section which is long enough. And the form of the local resistance part. Before the throttle element are related to the diameter ratio β.

(4) The length of the straight pipe section between the upstream side of the throttle member, the resistance member and the second resistance member may be 1/2 of the listed value. According to the form of the second resistance member, and β = 0.7 (regardless of the actual β value)

(5) When the upstream side of the throttle member is an open space, or a large container with a diameter ≥ 2D, the open space or the straight pipe length, between the large container and the throttle member shall not be less than 30D (15D).

If there are other local resistance members, between the throttle member and the open space or the large container. The open space is from the open space to the length of the small straight pipe section 1 provided, between the throttle member and the local resistance member.

The total length of the straight pipe section between the throttle pieces shall not be less than 30D (15D).

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Annubar flow meter is sometimes referred to as Averaging pilots and contains multiple pressure tappings to ‘average’ the flow; this is to try to compensate for a non-ideal flow profile.
The averaging pitot tube is inserted across the pipe as shown below. One side of the bar has pressure taps facing the flowing fluid that are coupled into an “averaging” chamber that measures the total (i.e. static + dynamic) pressure of the fluid.

There are numerous types of flow meters depending upon the application, the specific fluid, and the construction, including materials, of the flow meter. The 5 basic classifications of flow meters include:
1. Differential Pressure Flow Meters
Differential pressure flow meters measure the differential pressure across an orifice where flow is directly related to the square root of the differential pressure produced. There are also primary and secondary elements in differential flow meters. The primary element produces a change in kinetic energy using either flow nozzle, pitot tube, orifice plate, or venturi flow meters. The secondary element measures the differential pressure and provides the signal.
Differential pressure meters represent around 1/5 of all flowmeters around the world. They are commonly used in the oil & gas industry, along with HVAC, beverage, water, pharma, mining, paper, and chemical applications.

Extended reading: What Is A Venturi Flow Meter?
2. Positive Displacement Flow Meters
Positive displacement (PD) flow meters measure the volume filled with fluid, deliver it ahead and fill it again, which calculates the amount of fluid transferred. It measures the actual flow of any fluid while all other types of flow meters measure some other parameter and convert the values into flowrate. In PD flow meters, the output is directly related to the volume passing through the flow meter. PD flowmeters include piston meters, oval-gear meters, nutating disk meters, rotary vane type meters, etc.
Positive displacement flow meters are known for their accuracy. They are commonly used in the transfer of oils and fluids, like gasoline, hydraulic fluids as well as in-home use for water and gas applications.
3. Velocity Flow Meters
Velocity meters measure the velocity of the stream to calculate the volumetric flow rate. These are less sensitive when the Reynolds number of fluid is higher than 10000. Velocity flow meters include turbine, paddlewheel, vortex shedding, electromagnetic, and sonic/ultrasonic flow meters.
4. Mass Flow Meters
Mass flow meters are more effective in mass-related processes as they measure the force that results from the acceleration of the mass. More specifically, the force is measured as the mass moving per unit of time, instead of the volume per unit of time. Mass flow meters include Coriolis mass meters and thermal dispersion meters.
Typical applications for mass flow meters are tied to chemical processes. In addition to the chemical and gas industries, typical industries using mass meters include pharma, power, mining, and wastewater.
5. Open Channel Flow Meters
Measurement of liquid in open channels includes v-notch, weirs, and flumes. These dam-like structures, or overflows, allow for a limited or concentrated free-flow of liquids based on the unique shape and size of the structure. This type of flow meter allows for a reading of the flow rate to be calculated.
Common applications of open channel meters include free-flowing liquids like streams, rivers, irrigation channels, and sewer/wastewater systems.

From Wikipedia:

The biggest difference between an annubar and a pitot tube is that an annubar takes multiple samples across a section of a pipe or duct. In this way, the annubar averages the differential pressures encountered accounting for variations in flow across the section. A pitot tube will give a similar reading if the tip is located at a point in the pipe cross section where the flowing velocity is close to the average velocity.

Sino-Inst offers over 10 Annubar Flow Meter products. These are differential pressure flow meters, 40% are water meters (like the Insertion Turbine Flow Meter), and 40% are water treatment (like the Annubar flow meter ).

A wide variety of Annubar Flow Meter options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples.

Sino-Inst is a globally recognized supplier and manufacturer of Annubar Flow Meter, located in China. The top supplying country is China (Mainland), which supply 100% of the Annubar Flow Meter respectively.

Sino-Inst sells through a mature distribution network that reaches all 50 states and 30 countries worldwide. Annubar Flow Meter products are most popular in Domestic Market, Southeast Asia, and Mid East.

You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, with ISO9001, ISO14001 certification.

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Turbine Insertion Flow Meter

Insertion Flow Meter is widely used for flow measurement of large diameter pipes. Insertion Turbine Flow Meter is also called insertion type turbine flow meter.

Insertion Turbine Flow Meter is designed for accurate, cost-effective flow measurement of large pipes. Insertion Turbine Flow Meter utilizes an electronic turbine rotation sensing system and unique low-quality turbine design. It provides process flow measurement for steam, gas, and high-temperature liquid Reliable solution. Of course, according to different application environments, different versions of plug-in flow meters can be provided, such as fixed, adjustable, bidirectional, and high pressure.

Insertion Turbine Flow Meter reference price: USD 350-900/pc.

Sino-Inst offers a variety of  Turbine flow meters for flow measurement. If you have any questions, please contact our sales engineers.

Features of Turbine Insertion Flow Meter

SI- LWCB/Q SERIES Insertion Turbine Flowmeters for Liquids and Gas 4”-72” Pipe Diameters

LWCQ featuresLWCB features
Strong anti-impurity ability. The tangential impeller can release suspended debris in the fluid at any time when it is rotating so that it will not be wound on the blades of the tangential impeller;The structure and principle of the sensor and display instrument are very simple and intuitive. It is especially easy for users to master its use and maintenance technology;
Strong anti-electromagnetic interference and anti-vibration ability;Strong anti-electromagnetic interference and anti-vibration ability;
The structure and principle of the sensor and display instrument are very simple and intuitive. It is especially easy for users to master its use and maintenance technology;The sensor can be installed in the open air. The entire sensor can be submerged in water for a long time;
After replacing the impeller and bearing, the meter coefficient remains unchanged;The flow range is wide and the lower limit flow rate is low.
Wide flow range. Low lower limit flow rate;The metering error of the complete set of flowmeters to the total fluid is small.
The measurement error of the complete set of the flowmeter to the total fluid is small;Almost no pressure loss. Save power and power consumption.
Almost no pressure loss. Save power and power consumption;After replacing the impeller and bearing, the meter coefficient remains unchanged;
The sensor can be installed in the open air. The entire sensor can be submerged in water for a long time;Sensors with shut-off valves. There is no need to cut off the flow during installation and removal;
Sensors with shut-off valves. There is no need to cut off the flow during installation and removal;Horizontal, vertical, and inclined pipes can be used;
Horizontal, vertical, and inclined pipes can be used;The purchase, installation, and maintenance costs of complete flowmeters are low.
The purchase of complete sets of flowmeters. Low installation and maintenance costs;

Specifications Of Turbine Insertion Flow Meter

Accuracy±5% 、±2.5%
Insertion depthWhen the inner diameter (DN) of the tested pipe is ≤1050mm, the insertion depth is:
LWCQ: 0.5×DN-20mm
LWCB: 0.5×DN
Nominal pressure1.0 MPa
Measured liquid temperature-20℃~120℃
Ambient temperature-20 ℃~70 ℃
Distance from the sensor to display meterUp to 1000m or more
Requirements on the length of straight pipeThe length of the upstream straight pipe section of the sensor should not be less than 20DN, and the length of the downstream straight pipe section should not be less than 7DN to ensure measurement accuracy.
If the length of the straight pipe section cannot meet this requirement, the on-site calibration instrument coefficient K can be used after on-site calibration is carried out under the condition of on-site calibration.

Flow Range

Model Measured inner diameter of pipe  mm Insert rod length mm The flow range corresponding to the nominal diameter DN m3/h
Full flow range Accuracy is ±2.5% of the flow range of the displayed value Accuracy is the flow range of ±5% of the displayed value
LWCQ-100* 100   6-150 10-150 <10-6
LWCQ-150 150 13-200 20-200 <20-13
LWCQ-200 200 23-300 40-300 <40-23
LWCQ≤400* 100 906 6-150 10-150 <10-6
150 13-200 20-200 <20-13
200 23-300 40-300 <40-23
250 36-450 62-450 <62-36
300 52-650 90-650 <90-52
350 70-900 120-900 <120-70
400 92-1100 160-1100 <160-92
LWCQ≤800 500 1106 150-1800 250-1800 <250-150
600 220-2500 360-2500 <360-220
700 280-3500 450-3500 <450-280
800 380-4500 640-4500 <640-380
LWCQ>800* 900 1306 460-5800 800-5800 <800-460
1000 600-7000 990-7000 <990-600
1100 700-8500 1200-8500 <1200-700
Model Measured inner diameter of pipe  mm Insert rod length mm The flow range corresponding to the nominal diameter DN m3/h
Full flow range Accuracy is ±2.5% of the flow range of the displayed value Accuracy is the flow range of ±5% of the displayed value
LWCB-100* 100   3-150 5-150 <5-3
LWCB-150 150 7-200 10-200 <10-7
LWCB-200 200 12-300 20-300 <20-12
LWCB≤400* 100 900 3-150 5-150 <5-3
150 7-200 10-200 <10-7
200 12-300 20-300 <20-12
250 18-450 31-450 <31-18
300 26-650 45-650 <45-26
350 35-900 60-900 <60-35
400 46-1100 80-1100 <80-46
LWCB≤800 500 1100 75-1800 125-1800 <125-75
600 110-2500 180-2500 <180-110
700 140-3500 225-3500 <225-140
800 190-4500 320-4500 <320-190
LWCB>800* 900 1300 230-5800 400-5800 <400-230
1000 300-7000 495-7000 <495-300
1100 350-8500 600-8500 <600-350
Model Description
Impeller Q     Tangential
B Axial
Structure  ≤or> Indicates a shut-off valve
Indicates no shut-off valve
Diameter (mm) User pipe diameter

Model example
Example 1: LWCQ-100, which means no stop valve, nominal diameter DN100mm
Example 2: ≤400, it means there is a stop valve, the nominal diameter DN≤400mm
Example 3: LWCQ>800, it means there is a stop valve, the nominal diameter DN>800mm

Read More about: What is the difference between rotameter and flowmeter?

Turbine Insertion Flow Meter Working Principle

The plug-in turbine flowmeter is a new domestic velocity flowmeter. The turbine head, detection coil, etc. are designed as a combined plug-in. Because of its small size, the installation hole is also small. Therefore, a ball valve can be used to solve the problem of closing the installation hole.

More ingeniously, the insertion rod is made into a trapezoidal screw. When you need to remove it, you don’t need to stop the water. You can first rotate the trapezoidal screw to gradually raise the turbine head. After passing the upper ball valve, rotate the handle of the ball valve to close the pipeline. You can continue to spin up the turbine until it is removed. After installation and reset, proceed in reverse order. The same can be achieved without stopping the water.

The impeller inserted into the detection head of the plug-in turbine flowmeter is rotated by the fluid. The magnetic resistance of the magnetic circuit of the detection coil is periodically changed. The magnetic flux in the detection coil is periodically changed. Therefore, electric pulses are induced in the detection coil. Flow signal. The frequency f (times/second) of this signal is proportional to the volumetric flow Q (m3l second) flowing through the pipeline. The proportional coefficient is the meter coefficient K of the sensor, so f=K”Q.

The electrical pulse signal is amplified by the preamplifier and sent to the secondary instrument. Its waveform is rectangular pulse. After further enlargement and shaping, it is divided into two ways.

Send coefficient conversion circuit all the way. Then the power amplifier is sent to the totalizer. Obtain the cumulative volume flow. The other way sends the frequency dividing circuit. Then output 0~10mA (or 4~20mA) current signal through frequency/current conversion. At the same time, the instantaneous flow rate is displayed on the secondary meter.

Extended Reading: What is difference between rotameter and flow meter

Each SI- LWCB/Q Flow Meter is provided with a 4-20mA analog output for flow rate,

pulse output for totalization and a built-in user interface and display.

The standard loop-powered meter also includes HART.

Know more about: Turbine type Flow Meter

Applications of Turbine Insertion Flow Meter

Precision flow measurement of liquid and gas applications in large diameter pipes at a lower cost than using an in-line flow meter.

SI- LWCB/Q Series Insertion Flow Meters are designed to work in pipe sizes, ranging from ¾” to 72″ in diameter (1″ for copper).

Insertion Turbine Flow Meter application

Uses for the turbine flow meters include:

  • Chilled Water
  • Hot Water
  • Condenser Water
  • Domestic Water
  • Process Cooling
  • Steam Condensate and Brine.

Extended reading: 2 inch Water Flow Meter

Guess you like: Insertion Magnetic Flow Meter-Large diameter online install

Steam Insertion flow meter

SI- LWCB/Q Series Insertion Turbine Flow Meters, can measure the steam.

And, Sino-Inst also offers:

Steam Vortex Flow Meters are designed for accurate, cost-effective mass flow measurement of saturated steam.

The standard loop-powered version of the vortex flowmeter is equipped with the internal temperature compensation required for direct mass flow measurement. Steam Vortex Flow Meter is provided with a 4-20mA analog output for flow rate, pulse output for totalization, and a built-in user interface and display. The standard loop-powered meter also includes HART.

Read more about: Steam pressure transmitter-Pressure measure on steam pipeline 

Natural gas flow meters

The gas turbine flowmeter integrates temperature, pressure, flow sensors and intelligent flow totalizers. The gas turbine flowmeter has high accuracy and good repeatability, so it is suitable for trade measurement and industrial process detection. It is widely used in many kinds of gas in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, aviation, scientific research and other sectors and industrial fields. Such as natural gas, city gas, propane, butane, air, nitrogen and other gases measurement.

More Featured Insertion Flow Meter


Turbine flow meters are velocity flow meters, also called impeller flow meters. Can be used to measure the instantaneous flow and cumulative flow of liquids and gases.

Turbine flowmeters are widely used in flow measurement: petroleum, organic liquids, inorganic liquids, liquefied gas, natural gas, coal gas and cryogenic fluids. Turbine flowmeter signals can be divided into pulse signals or current signals (4-20mA). It is suitable for use with secondary display, PLC, DCS and other computer control systems.

Extended reading: Turbine Flow Meter Advantages and Disadvantages

Simply put. The turbine flow meter has a turbine. It needs to be installed in the fluid pipeline when in use, and both ends are supported by bearings.

When the fluid passes through the turbine. The fluid hits the turbine blades. Drive the rotation of the turbine blades. The flow rate is measured indirectly through the angular velocity of the turbine blades. The method used is that the angular velocity of the blades is proportional to the fluid velocity.

Extended reading: Liquid Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle

At present, there are many kinds of Insertion flowmeters in use. According to the working principle of the Insertion flowmeter detection head, it can be divided into Insertion turbine, Insertion vortex, Insertion electromagnetic, Insertion ultrasonic, and Insertion target flowmeter.

More Featured Insertion flowmeters

Insertion flow meter is a type of flow meter divided by structure, which includes various flow meters with different working principles.

Insertion flow meter has a great development. Insertion flow meter has been promoted and used in many forms.

According to the working principle of the Insertion flow meter detection head, it can be divided into plug-in turbine, plug-in vortex, plug-in electromagnetic, uniform velocity tube and thermal flow meter.

According to the number of measurement points of the Insertion flow meter, it can be divided into two categories: point flow type and runoff type.

Extended reading: Metal Tube Flow Meter-Variable Area Flow Meters Principle

Water flow meters are flow meters that can diaplay the flow rate of industrial water pipe.

A water flow meter measures the amount of water flowing through a pipe. We have several kinds to choose from, depending on the application, maintenance needs, and budget.

Read more about Water flow meter types.

Extended reading: Featured Cheap flow meters for Sale

Sino-Inst’s insertion turbine flow meters provide significant cost, savings for line sizes from 2 to 80′ without compromising performance.

With high accuracy, wide turndown, and a unique low-mass rotor design without welded joints, the insertion turbine flow meter gives you the benefit, of more than 10 years of practical experience.

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Gas Turbine Flow Meter

Gas turbine flow meter is a velocity flow meter that measures gas flow. For natural gas, nitrogen, and gas trade measurement.

The gas turbine flowmeter integrates temperature, pressure, flow sensors and intelligent flow totalizers. The gas turbine flowmeter has high accuracy and good repeatability, so it is suitable for trade measurement and industrial process detection. It is widely used in many kinds of gas in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, aviation, scientific research and other sectors and industrial fields. Such as natural gas, city gas, propane, butane, air, nitrogen and other gases measurement.

Gas Turbine Flow Meter reference price: USD900-2500/pc

Sino-Inst offers a variety of  Turbine flow meters for flow measurement. If you have any questions, please contact our sales engineers.

Industrial Propane Tank Level Indicators for Industrial Tank Level Measurement

Features of Gas Turbine Flow Meter

  1. High accuracy, good repeatability. Small pressure loss, good vibration resistance;
  2. Using high-quality bearings, low friction resistance, good sealing performance and long life;
  3. It integrates microprocessor, flow sensor, high-precision temperature and pressure sensor. Directly measure the flow, temperature and pressure of the measured gas. And automatically perform flow tracking compensation and compression factor correction operations;
  4. The meter has pulse signal and analog signal output. It can directly realize the centralized collection and real-time management of computer data through the RS485 communication interface or the GPRS system;
  5. Low power consumption, can be powered by internal battery or external power supply;
  6. With real-time data storage function, it can prevent data loss when the battery is replaced or the power is suddenly lost. In the case of power failure, internal data can be stored permanently;
  7. It can be used in conjunction with IC card prepayment system to facilitate trade settlement;

Specifications Of Gas Turbine Flow Meter

Mediun :No impurity, no corrosive gas, natural gas, etc.
Precision:±1.5%, ±1.0%, ±0.5%,
Repetition:Better than 0.1%
Traffic Range:6.5~6500m³/h
Display content:instantaneous working conditions, volume, standard volume, temperature, pressure, battery capacity, etc.
Calibre measurement:DN50-DN300
Connection mode:Flange connection
Power supply:Battery or external power supply operation
Output:Pulse signal output, 4-20mA current output, RS485 communication GPRS remote communication
Inside nominal diameter DN (mm) Made Flow
flow rate
Range of
Sell material Accuracy 
50(2”) KLWQD-501 G40 ≤0.8 6.5~65 1.6
Aluminum alloy

Accuracy 1.0:

The allowable error is

KLWQD-502 G65 ≤0.9 10~100
KLWQD-503 G100 ≤1.7 16~160
80(3”) KLWQD-801 G100 ≤2.0 10~200 1.6 
Aluminum alloy
KLWQD-802 G160 ≤2.5 18~360
KLWQD-803 G250 ≤3.0 20~400
100(4”) KLWQD-1001 G160 ≤2.5 13~250 1.6 Aluminum alloy
KLWQD-1002 G250 ≤3.0 20~400
KLWQD-1003 G400 ≤4.5 32~650
150(6”) KLWQD-1501 G400 ≤7.5 32~650 1.6 Aluminum alloy
KLWQD-1502 G650 ≤8.5 50~1000
KLWQD-1503 G1000 ≤10.0 80~1600
200(6”) KLWQD-2001 G650 ≤12.0 50~1000 1.6 carbon steel  Accuracy 1.5:The
 allowable error is
KLWQD-2002 G1000 ≤16.0 80~1600
KLWQD-2003 G1600 ≤20.0 130~2500
250(10”) KLWQD-2501 G1000 ≤20.0 80~1600 1.6 carbon steel 
KLWQD-2502 G1600 ≤22.0 130~2500
KLWQD-2503 G2500 ≤25.0 200~4000
300(12”) KLWQD-3001 G1600 ≤22.0 130~2500 1.6 carbon steel 
KLWQD-3002 G2500 ≤35.0 200~4000
KLWQD-3003 G4000 ≤45.0 320~6500

What Are Gas Turbine Flow Meter?

When the fluid flows into the Gas Turbine Flow Meter, it is rectified and accelerated under the action of a dedicated integrated rectifier for the air inlet. Since the turbine blades are at a certain angle to the fluid flow direction, the angular velocity of the turbine is proportional to the fluid volume flow at this time.

According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, a magnetic sensor is used to induce a pulse signal proportional to the volume flow of the fluid from the coaxial rotating signal wheel. The signal is amplified, filtered, and reshaped and enters the intelligent flow totalizer together with the temperature and pressure sensor signals. The micro-processing unit of the instrument performs arithmetic processing. The volume flow and total flow of the gas are directly displayed on the LCD screen.

Please see the structure diagram below for the structure principle of Gas Turbine Flow Meter.

Gas turbine flow meter working principle

The gas turbine flowmeter uses a turbine for measurement. It first converts the flow rate into the rotational speed of the turbine, and then converts the rotational speed into an electrical signal proportional to the flow rate.

Gas turbine flowmeter is used to detect instantaneous flow and total integrated flow. Its output signal is frequency, which is easy to digitize.

The induction coil and the permanent magnet are fixed on the housing together. When the ferromagnetic turbine blade passes the magnet, the reluctance of the magnetic circuit changes, thereby generating an induction signal.

The signal is amplified and reshaped by the amplifier and sent to the counter or frequency meter. The total accumulated flow is displayed. At the same time, the pulse frequency undergoes frequency-voltage conversion to indicate instantaneous flow.

Extended reading: Quantitative control with turbine flowmeter

The speed of the impeller is proportional to the flow, and the number of revolutions of the impeller is proportional to the total amount of flow. The output of the turbine flowmeter is a frequency modulated signal. It not only improves the anti-interference of the detection circuit, but also simplifies the flow detection system.

The gas turbine flowmeter has a turndown ratio of up to 10:1, and the accuracy is within ±0.2%. The time constant of the turbine flowmeter with small inertia and small size can reach 0.01 second.

Extended reading: Threaded Vortex Nitrogen Gas Flow Meter

Gas turbine flow meters Applications

Gas turbine flowmeters are mainly used for gas flow measurement in industrial pipelines.

Flow measurement of air, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and other media fluids.

When measuring the volume flow under working conditions, it is hardly affected by the fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity and other parameters.

Further reading: Nitrogen(N2) Flow Meter Types

Natural gas turbine flow meter

The gas turbine flowmeter has the characteristics of high sensitivity, good repeatability, large range ratio and high precision. Therefore, it is widely used in natural gas flow measurement.

When the flow rate changes greatly, the gas turbine flowmeter is more suitable than the differential pressure flowmeter.
The gas turbine flowmeter has a wide range ratio, medium and large diameters can reach 40:1 to 10:1, and small diameters are 6:1 or 5:1.

With the development of natural gas measurement technology and the increasing requirements for natural gas trade and transfer measurement, gas turbine flowmeters can not only meet the requirements of trade measurement, but also meet a wide measurement range.

In addition, its equipment cost is lower than orifice flow meters and gas ultrasonic flow meters.
Therefore, gas turbine flow meters are being used more and more widely. Especially China’s natural gas market usage has increased significantly. However, it is common in the downstream market that the initial consumption of natural gas pipelines is low. Large supply. Turbine flowmeter can reduce the diameter of the measuring tube due to its wider range ratio, thereby reducing investment.

The gas turbine flowmeter has high accuracy. The accuracy of ordinary flowmeters is (±1~±1.5)%, and the special type is (±0.5~±0.2)%. However, the higher the accuracy, the more demanding on-site conditions. harsh. Turbine flowmeter has good repeatability. Short-term repeatability can reach (0.05~0.2)%. If you calibrate regularly, you can get high accuracy.

The gas turbine flowmeter has a compact and light structure, convenient installation and maintenance, and large flow capacity. It is suitable for high pressure measurement.

There is no need to open holes on the meter body, and it is easy to make a high-pressure meter, which can meet the pressure increase requirements of the pipeline. Because of the above advantages, it is one of the preferred flow meters in natural gas trade settlement.

Extended reading: Turbine Insertion Flow Meter for Large Diameter Pipeline

Extended reading: Turbine Flow meter Vs Gear Flow meter

Sino-Inst’s Turbine Gas Meter offer reliable and accurate volume flow measurement in a large range of sizes and pressure rating while being fully compliant with international standards.

Sino-Inst is the risk-free choice for your gas flow measurement applications.

Sino-Inst supplies turbine flow meters, like: gas turbine flow meter. gpi turbine flow meter. liquid turbine flow meter. sanitary turbine flow meter. insertion turbine flow meter. steam turbine flow meter. and natural gas turbine flow meter.

Sino-Inst’s turbine flow meters, made in China, Having good Quality, With better price. Our flow measurement instruments are widely used in China, India, Pakistan, US, and other countries.

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Insertion Vortex Flow Meter

Insertion Vortex Flow Meter is mainly used for flow measurement of gas, liquid, and steam fluid in large-diameter pipelines.

Insertion Vortex Flow Meter is used on large-size pipes. Reduce piping installation to save costs. The insertion vortex flowmeter is mainly used for large-caliber gas, liquid and vapor medium fluids. When measuring volume flow, it is hardly affected by fluid density, pressure, temperature and viscosity. With plug-in structure, there is no need to cut pipes and drill welded flanges. Just plug it in, easy to install. Greatly save labor costs and product costs.

Insertion Vortex flow meter reference price: USD 500-1500/pc.

Sino-Inst offers a variety of  Vortex flow meters for flow measurement. If you have any questions, please contact our sales engineers.

Features of Insertion Vortex Flow Meter

  1. It is suitable for the measurement of large-diameter pipelines (DN150~DN2000), and is used in occasions that require less precision;
  2. Easy installation, no need to cut pipes. Greatly save labor costs and product costs;
  3. It has a very unique medium versatility. It can be used for flow measurement and control of most steam, gas and liquid;
  4. Simple structure, no holes and gaps design. No wear, dirt, no moving parts, low failure rate. Has high stability and reliability;
  5. The vortex flowmeter uses the latest signal processing technology, and the entire system analyzes the measured signal. Then eliminate external interference and medium disturbance. Therefore, stable measurement can be achieved even in harsh process conditions;
  6. The piezoelectric element of the vortex flowmeter is embedded in the probe body. No contact with the medium, no filler inside. Low pressure loss and long service life;
  7. The vortex flowmeter originally forms a signal. Its output frequency has a linear relationship with flow rate. There is no zero drift problem;
  8. Adopt advanced digital signal processing technology. Low lower limit and excellent vibration resistance.

Specifications of Insertion Vortex Flow Meter

Measuring mediumSuperheated/saturated steam, liquid and gas
Measuring rangeSee the flow range table of the plug-in vortex flowmeter for details
DiameterPlug-in: DN150~DN2000
Connection methodPipe opening with connecting flange
Flange standard GB9119-2000 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0 (MPa)
structureIntegrated type, split type, diving type
Probe body insertion rod304 (standard supply), 316L (other material supply agreement)
Medium temperature (℃)(-40~80)℃, (-40~250)℃, (-40~350)℃
Environment temperature (℃)(-30~+65)℃ Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa~106kPa
Nominal pressureLiquid 1.6MPa, 2.0MPa, 2.5MPa, 4.0MPa
Gas and steam 1.6MPa, 2.5MPa
Velocity range (m/s)Liquid: 0.5~5, Gas: 6~500, Steam: 7~60
Output signal1: No local display frequency signal: high level ≥5V low level 1V, square wave, pulse duty ratio: 1:1
2: Standard current signal; (4-20) mA standard current signal proportional to the flow
3: Local display instantaneous flow, cumulative flowmeter. Simultaneously output the proportional (4-20) mA standard current signal and pulse frequency signal or (4-20) mA+HART
Power supplyVoltage pulse type: DC12V or DC24V
Standard current output, local display: DC24V
Battery powered local display lithium battery: 3.6V
Ambient temperatureAmbient temperature (-40~+55) ℃,
relative humidity 5~90 ​​(%),
atmospheric pressure: 86kPa~106kPa
Protection levelIP65 is used for indoor and outdoor installation,
IP68 can be used for diving installation
Explosion-proof gradeIntrinsically safe Ex ia ⅡC T6 Ga
displayLCD display instantaneous flow, cumulative flow, vortex frequency
Cable interfaceM20×1.5 (internal thread, recommended); 1/2NPT (internal thread)

What is Vortex Flow?

When a fluid moves through a stationary object (“bluff body”) with a high Reynolds number, the fluid becomes a vortex on either side of the object.
Each vortex will form, then separate from the object and continue to move with the flowing gas or liquid, once twisted in an alternating manner.
This phenomenon is called vortex rotation, and the pattern of moving vortices carried downstream of a stationary object is called vortex street.

How does a vortex flow meter work?

Vortex Flow Meter Working Principle

Vortex flowmeter is a speed-type flowmeter produced according to karman’s vortex principle,
which can be used for the measurement and measurement of conventional gas, steam and

Vortex flow sensor has high precision and wide range ratio, no moving parts in use, which can
improve mechanical stability and reduce maintenance.Vortex flowmeter is almost not affected by the temperature, pressure and composition of medium when measuring the volume of working condition.

Therefore, it is convenient to calibrate the instrument, so vortex street flow sensor is widely used in production and life.

When a trigonal column vortex generator is set in the fluid, regular vortices are generated alternately on both sides of the vortex generator, which is called Carmen vortex.

The vortex columns are arranged asymmetrically downstream of the vortex generator. Vortex flowmeter is produced according to this principle.

Vortexes are generated by generating bodies and the number of vortexes is detected by high-sensitivity sensors. In a certain range, the number of vortexes generated is proportional to the flow rate.

In vortex flowmeter, the relationship between flow rate and the number of vortexes generated
can be expressed by the following formula:

Q:Operating volume flow of the measured medium. The unit is m3/h。
F:Frequency of the number of vortices produced by the generating body. The unit is Hz.
K:Refers to the calculated or calibrated flow coefficient. It represents how many frequency signals per cube. the coefficient is usually obtained by calibration.

The formula of standard table method calibration coefficient K:

The formula can also be used for flow correction.

More about vortex flow meter working principle wikipedia.

OMEGA Engineering has a great explanation video about vortex flow meter working principle. Let’s take a look!

Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxCeVVXF2ng&feature=emb_logo

Types of vortex flow meter

Depending on the mounting style, the types of vortex flow meters include:

  1. Insertion flow meter
    Each insertion type of vortex flow meter consists of a built-in bluff body and three sensors, namely one sensor to record the vortex shedding frequency, an RTD temperature sensor, and a solid-state pressure sensor. These components are located in close proximity to each other in a short tube and together they form an assembly called an insertion sensor head. The sensor probe is inserted carefully into a hole made into the pipeline using flanged or male NPT process connections.

This flow meter is also provided an LCD display and keypad to program and monitor the system settings. The insertion flow meter used in pipes which are 2 inches or larger. Since it is a retractable meter, there is no need to shut down the system to take the required measurements.

  1. Inline flow meter
    An Inline flow meter is similar to the insertion flow meter in terms of its components. It also has a bluff body and three sensors to register the vortex shedding frequency, temperature, and pressure. It differs from an insertion flow meter in that it replaces a part of the pipeline and not inserted through it.

Classified by connection method

The connection mode of vortex flowmeter and pipeline can be divided into flange connection type and flange clamping type. These two connection types have their own advantages.

The flange connection type connects the vortex street meter body and the flange into a whole, which is easy to install. But it increases the machining cost for the manufacturer. For different pressure levels, flanges with different pressure levels need to be cast and smelted. The user needs to install the matching anti-flange on the pipe during installation.

However, the flange-mounted flowmeter has no bulky flanges at both ends, which is relatively light. On the premise of ensuring the sealing surface and mechanical strength requirements, it is enough to only manufacture the flangeless surface.

When users use it, they can choose flanges with different pressure levels according to different working pressures. Connect it with bolts, and then directly weld to the pipe.

Where are vortex flow meters used?

The vortex flowmeter is mainly used in the flow measurement of industrial pipeline medium fluid. The medium can be gas, liquid, steam, etc. The main scope of action includes:

  • During industrial production, such as metallurgy, coal, electric power, chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental protection and other manufacturing;
  • Energy measurement. Including the scientific measurement of primary and secondary energy. Such as coal, petroleum gas, natural gas, etc., to achieve energy saving and reduce consumption;
  • Environmental protection engineering. Including flow measurement of flue gas, sewage, etc.;
  • Transportation. Including pipeline transportation for control, distribution and scheduling, and better economic accounting through measurement results.

Vortex flow meter advantages and disadvantages

1.Advantages of vortex flowmeter

(1) The vortex flowmeter has no moving parts, and the measuring element has a simple structure, reliable performance and long service life.

(2) The vortex flowmeter has a wide measuring range. The turndown ratio can generally reach 1:10.

(3) The volume flow of the vortex flowmeter is not affected by thermal parameters such as the temperature, pressure, density or viscosity of the fluid being measured. Generally, no separate calibration is required. It can measure the flow of liquid, gas or steam.

(4) The pressure loss it causes is small.

(5) The accuracy is high, the repeatability is 0.5%, and the maintenance is small.

2.Disadvantages of vortex flowmeter

(1) The volume flow of the vortex flowmeter is not affected by the temperature, pressure, density and other thermal parameters of the measured fluid. But the final measurement result of liquid or steam should be mass flow, and for gas, the final measurement result should be standard volume flow. Both mass flow or standard volume flow must be converted by fluid density. The changes in fluid density caused by changes in fluid operating conditions must be considered.

(2) The main factors that cause flow measurement errors are: measurement errors caused by uneven pipeline flow rates; it is impossible to accurately determine the medium density when the fluid working condition changes. The wet saturated steam is assumed to be dry saturated steam for measurement. If these errors are not limited or eliminated, the total measurement error of the vortex flowmeter will be very large.

(3) Poor vibration resistance. External vibration can cause measurement errors of the vortex flowmeter, or even fail to work normally. The high-velocity impact of the channel fluid will cause additional vibrations to the cantilever of the vortex generator, which reduces the measurement accuracy. The influence of large pipe diameter is more obvious.

(4) Poor adaptability to measuring dirty media. The generating body of the vortex flowmeter is very easy to be dirty by the medium or entangled by the dirt, and the change of the geometric body size has a great influence on the measurement accuracy.

(5) High requirements for straight pipe sections. Experts pointed out that the straight pipe section of the vortex flowmeter must ensure the front 40D and the 20D to meet the measurement requirements.

(6) Poor temperature resistance. Vortex flowmeters generally can only measure the fluid flow of media below 300°C.

Insertion vortex flow meter installation

1.Continuous flow dismountable sensor

①The mounting seat is welded well. First install the ball valve on the mounting seat, tighten and seal with bolts;

②Open the ball valve. Insert the vortex probe into the ball valve. Then tighten the lifting mechanism and the ball valve with bolts. Pay attention to sealing;

③Before leaving the factory. The insertion depth of the measuring head has been adjusted. Do not adjust or disassemble the measuring head at will. Otherwise, it may cause leakage or affect measurement accuracy.

2. Dismountable sensor after the current is cut off

Because the insertion depth of the sensor is designed according to the user’s measuring pipe diameter. So only pay attention to the installation direction when installing. Fasten it with bolts.

Guess you like: Insertion Magnetic Flow Meter-Large diameter online install

Vortex Steam Flow Meter

The vortex steam flow meter concentrates temperature and pressure compensation in the vortex flowmeter. Automatically detect the temperature and pressure of the medium in the pipeline, and the density automatically participates in the calculation. It can display the instantaneous mass flow and cumulative mass flow of the medium. It can also display the temperature and pressure of the medium. It can measure liquid, general gas, saturated steam, superheated steam, etc.

Vortex steam flow meter reference price: USD 200-1500/pc.

You may like:

Sino-Instt offer over 10 Insertion Vortex Shedding flow meters, with Best Price.

A wide variety of industrial Vortex shedding flow meters options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples. All of our flow meters can wokrk with the AMS NEW TREX.

About 13% of these are magnetic flow meter, 14% are Insertion Magnetic Flow Meter, 25% are Venturi flow meter, 13% are Handheld ultrasonic flow meter, and others are Liquid Turbine Flow Meters.

Sino-Inst is Insertion Vortex shedding flow meter suppliers, located in China. Vortex shedding flow meter products are most popular in North America, Mid East, and Eastern Europe.

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Vortex Shedding Flow Meter

Vortex shedding flow meter, also called Vortex flow meter. Vortex shedding flow meter is suitable for measuring steam flow rate as well as liquids and gases.

Vortex shedding flow meter, easy installation, low cost, analog and 4-20mA output. Pressure & temperature compensation can improve the sensor for more accurate measurement. Vortex shedding flow meter is suitable for measuring steam and various liquids and gases. When the fluid flows through the assembly line of the vortex flowmeter, a vortex is formed. The frequency of vortex shedding is directly proportional to the fluid velocity.

Vortex shedding flow meter reference price: USD 200-1500/pc.

Sino-Inst offers a variety of  Vortex flow meters for flow measurement. If you have any questions, please contact our sales engineers.

Industrial Vortex Shedding Flow Meter Features

  1. Sonic nozzle calibration. High repeatability and high measurement accuracy
  2. Temperature compensation and pressure temperature can be freely selected. To meet more on-site use
  3. The circuit board is aging and running before leaving the factory. And the whole meter is calibrated one by one. It is more suitable for on-site use
  4. Wide application range. Gas, liquid and steam can be measured
  5. Low pressure loss. Low energy loss. Conducive to energy saving
  6. Simple and firm structure, no moving parts. High reliability and low maintenance

Specifications of Vortex Shedding Flow Meter

Diameter(mm)DN15,20,25,40,50,65,80,100,125,150,200,250,300,(300~1000 plug-in)
Nominal pressure(MPa)DN15-DN200 4.0 (>4.0,Consulting supply)
DN250-DN300 1.6(>1.6,Consulting supply)
Medium temperature(ºC)Piezoelectric type :-40~150,-40~260,-40~330℃;
Projected Capacitive:-40~400℃ (Consulting supply)
Body material 1Cr18Ni9Ti (Other material order by Consulting supply)
Permissible vibration
Piezoelectric type :0.2g   Projected Capacitive:1.0-2.0g
Range of degrees1:6~1:25
Power SupplySensor:DC+12V,DC+24V;
Battery-powered:3.6V battery
Output signalPulse:high level:≥5V
low level:≤1V;
electricity current:4~20mA
Pressure loss coefficientComply with JB/T9249 standard Cd≤2.4
Explosion-proof coefficientIntrinsic safety :Ex ia II CT2-T4
Explosion-proof type:Exd II CT2-T5
Level of protection Ordinary type:IP65 
Diving type:IP68
Environmental conditionsTempersature:-20ºC~55ºC,
relative humidity 5%~90%,
atmospheric pressure:86~106kPa
Applicable mediumgas ,liquid,steam
Transmission distance Three-wire pulse output:≤300m,
Two-wire standard current output:(4~20mA)≤1500m
load resistance≤500Ω;

Vortex Shedding Flow Meter Structure

The basic structure of LUGB series vortex flowmeter is shown in figure 1. It is mainly
composed of shell, vortex generator, flow sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, shield bar,
integrator and other main accessories

  1. Integrating instrument
  2. Pressure transducer
  3. Shielding rod
  4. Shell
Table of operating flow range of vortex street flow sensor under reference condition
Range of measurements
frequency range
Range of measurements
frequency range
15 0.3~5 35~600 2.2~20 260~2000
20 0.6~10 29~420 4~36 210~1900
25 1.2~16 25~336 8.8~55 190~1140
32 1.8~20 18~264 10~150 156~1080
40 2~40 10~200 27~205 140~1040
50 3~60 8~160 35~380 94~1020
65 4~85 6~120 35~800 94~940
80 6.5~130 4.1~82 86~1100 55~690
100 15~220 4.7~69 133~1700 42~536
125 20~350 3.2~57 150~2000 38~475
150 30~450 2.8~43 347~4000 33~380
200 45~800 2~31 560~8000 22~315
250 65~1250 1.5~25 890~11000 18~221
300 95~2000 1.2~24 1360~18000 16~213
-300 100~1500 5.5~87 1560~15600 85~880
-400 180~3000 5.6~87 2750~27000 85~880
-500 300~4500 5.6~88 4300~43000 85~880
-600 450~6500 5.7~89 6100~61000 85~880
-800 750~10000 5.7~88 11000~110000 85~880
-1000 1200~1700 5.5~88 17000~170000 85~880
>(100) Consulting supply   Consulting supply  

Vortex Shedding Flow Meter Working Principle

Vortex flowmeter is a speed-type flowmeter produced according to karman’s vortex principle,
which can be used for the measurement and measurement of conventional gas, steam and

Vortex flow sensor has high precision and wide range ratio, no moving parts in use, which can
improve mechanical stability and reduce maintenance.Vortex flowmeter is almost not affected by the temperature, pressure and composition of medium when measuring the volume of working condition.

Therefore, it is convenient to calibrate the instrument, so vortex street flow sensor is widely used in production and life.

When a trigonal column vortex generator is set in the fluid, regular vortices are generated alternately on both sides of the vortex generator, which is called Carmen vortex.

The vortex columns are arranged asymmetrically downstream of the vortex generator. Vortex flowmeter is produced according to this principle.

Vortexes are generated by generating bodies and the number of vortexes is detected by high-sensitivity sensors. In a certain range, the number of vortexes generated is proportional to the flow rate.

In vortex flowmeter, the relationship between flow rate and the number of vortexes generated
can be expressed by the following formula:

Q:Operating volume flow of the measured medium. The unit is m3/h。
F:Frequency of the number of vortices produced by the generating body. The unit is Hz.
K:Refers to the calculated or calibrated flow coefficient. It represents how many frequency signals per cube. the coefficient is usually obtained by calibration.

The formula of standard table method calibration coefficient K:

The formula can also be used for flow correction.

Applications of Vortex Shedding Flow Meter

Steam Flow Measurement

Steam has often been described as the ‘lifeblood’ of the industry.
Vortex meters are known to be superior devices for steam flow measurement, due to their inherent linear measurement, large turndown, low-pressure drop, and high accuracy.

The vortex flowmeter is ideal for high temperature, superheated, and saturated steam applications, since it eliminates the need for separate components and associated installation temperature.

In addition, it provides quality, dependability and high-pressure ratings,along with a stable and reliable flow measurement.

Read more about: Steam Flow Measurement: Do you need temperature and pressure

Liquid Applications

Liquid applications in the oil refinery industry become challenging, since the process liquid is a higher viscosity at lower process temperatures.

As a result, clogging becomes an issue when a flow meter has moving parts.

Sino-Instrument vortex meters have advanced self-diagnostics, that alert the operator if clogging or plugging in the area around the shedder bar are present.

Alerts are also triggered in high-vibration environments and those with excessive flow fluctuations in the area around the shedder bar. This enables automatic condition-based maintenance.

Extended reading: Integral DP Flow Meter|Gas, liquid, steam|Compact structure

Installation for Industrial Vortex Flow Meter

Know more about vortex shedding flow meter:

A vortex flow meter is a flow measurement device best suited for flow measurements, where the introduction of moving parts presents problems.

They are available in industrial grade, brass or all plastic construction.

Sensitivity to variations in the process conditions are low, and with no moving parts have relatively low wear compared to other types of flow meters.

Vortex flow meters operate under the vortex shedding principle, where an oscillating vortexes occur, when a fluid such as water flow past a bluff (as opposed to streamlined) body.

The frequency that the vortexes are shed depend on the size and shape of the body.

It is ideal for applications where low maintenance costs are important.

Industrial size vortex meters are custom built and require appropriate sizing for specific applications.

The Vortex Shedding flow meter detects the vortices, that are created by a process medium going past a bluff body.

The frequency of these vortices can be equated into flow velocity, which, in turn, is used to calculate volumetric flow rate.

The integral temperature sensor is used in saturated steam service, to determine the operating conditions and specific volume of the steam being measured.

The steam table incorporated into the electronics, then calculates the flow or energy of the steam flowing through the meter.

The optional pressure sensor can be used for similar calculations, for gasses and superheated steam.

Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP) provides stable readings, free of external influences.

What are the applications of vortex flowmeter?

  1. A vortex flowmeter can be used to measure the flow of various industrial water. Including chemical, light industry, electric power, metallurgy, building materials, petroleum and other industries in the production process of circulating water, wastewater, waste liquid measurement.
  2. Part of the measurement of corrosive liquids, such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, and other acids. And a variety of chemical solutions.
  3. The flow measurement of non-conductive liquids. Electromagnetic flowmeter in the flow measurement of conductive liquids dominates, while in the field of non-conductive liquid flow measurement, vortex flowmeter has a great place to use. In the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, semiconductor industry, vortex flowmeter has also been more widely used, for example methanol, formaldehyde, acetone, toluene, trichloroethylene, ethylene, butane liquid ammonia, etc., and semiconductor industry pure water and ultra-clean pure water, etc..
  4. Part of the low viscosity oil flow measurement, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, and heavy oil and residual oil flow measurement after the viscosity has been reduced by heating.
  5. Large diameter pipeline water flow measurement, full pipe vortex flowmeter is mainly used to measure small and medium diameter water flow, while the insertion type vortex flowmeter can be used to measure the flow measurement of large diameter pipeline. Vortex flowmeter is widely used in urban water pipelines and chemical, electric power, metallurgy, paper, and chemical fiber, and other enterprises in the industrial water mainline.

More industrial vortex flow meters:

Sino-Instt offer over 10 Vortex Shedding flow meters, with Best Price.

A wide variety of industrial Vortex shedding flow meters options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples. All of our flow meters can wokrk with the AMS NEW TREX.

About 13% of these are magnetic flow meter, 14% are Insertion Magnetic Flow Meter, 25% are Venturi flow meter, 13% are Handheld ultrasonic flow meter, and others are Liquid Turbine Flow Meters.

Sino-Inst is Vortex shedding flow meter suppliers, located in China. Vortex shedding flow meter products are most popular in North America, Mid East, and Eastern Europe.

The United States, and India, which export 99%, 1%, and 1% of ultrasonic level transmitter respectively. You can ensure product safety by selecting from a certified supplier, with ISO9001, ISO14001 certification.

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SI-LG Orifice Plate Flow Meter

Orifice plate flow meter also called orifice flow meter or orifice plate. Orifice plate flow meter is a kind of differential pressure flow meter.

Orifice plate flow meter works together with an orifice plate, differential pressure transmitter, with Differential Pressure Measurement principle. Easy installation. Orifice plate flow meters can be used with gases, liquids, corrosive, and high temperature fluids. Orifice flow meters can measure steam, gas, liquids, and many industrial areas. Applications include steam flow, boiler feedwater, and fluid flow rates in building water lines.

Sino-Inst, Manufacturer for differential pressure flow meters. Including the Orifice plate, Venturi, Annubar, etc. Suitable for liquid, gas, and steam flow measurement. Please contact our sales engineers for technical support!

Features of Orifice Plate Flow Meter

  • The structure of the throttling device is easy to copy, simple, firm, stable and reliable in performance, long in service life, and low in price.
  • Orifice flowmeter calculation adopts international standards and processing
  • Wide application range, all single-phase flows can be measured, and some mixed-phase flows can also be applied.
  • The standard throttling device can be put into use without real flow calibration.
  • The integrated orifice plate is simpler to install, no pressure pipe is needed, and it can be directly connected to a differential pressure transmitter and a pressure transmitter.
  • It has a wide range of applications, including all single-phase fluids (liquid, gas, steam) and partial mixed-phase flows. The pipe diameter and working conditions (temperature, pressure) of the general production process can be measured;

Orifice Plate Flow Meter Specification

SI-LG integrated orifice flowmeter is a high-range ratio differential pressure flow device. Composed of standard orifice plate and multi-parameter differential pressure transmitter (or differential pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter and pressure transmitter).

It can measure the flow of gas, steam, liquid and natural gas, and is widely used in process control and measurement in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, heating, water supply, and other fields.

Execution standardDesign, manufacture, and installation in accordance with international standard ISO5167-1(1991)(national standard GB/T2624-93),
British standard BS1042 and other standards
Precision level(1)Standard orifice plate, standard nozzle: there are many factors that affect the measurement error.
If the installation and use meet the relevant provisions of international standard ISO5167-1 (1991), the accuracy level can generally reach level 1 ~1.5.

(2) For non-standard orifice plates (such as double orifice plates, circular missing orifice plates, small orifice plates, etc.).
Due to insufficient test data, there is no “standard” to check, so calibration should be conducted after the design and manufacture is completed. (liquid flow is usually calibrated with water. And the air calibrates the gas flow.
The level of accuracy (basic error) can be achieved after calibration: level 1 ~1.5, if not calibrated.
Only by empirical data calculation, design, accuracy in ±2.5%.
Diameter(mm)25,40,50,65,80,100,125,300,350,400, 450,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1200
Nominal working pressure(MPa)0.6,1.0,1.6,2.5,4.0,6.3,10.0,16.0, ≤40Mpa.
(when ≥20Mpa ,it can use high pressure lens orifice plate or welding type)
Conditions of useThe environment temperature:-30ºC~60ºC
Medium temperature:-30ºC~550ºC
Working power supply24VDC/220VAC
Singal remote output4~20mA
Communication outputRS485 communication(Modbus-RTU);
Hart protocol
Signal interfaceInternal thread M20*1.5
(NPT1/2 needs to be customized, long delivery time)
Protection levelIP65 (customized  IP68 for basic model)
Explosion-proof levelExdIICT6 GB
DisplayDifferential pressure, instantaneous flow, cumulative flow

Orifice Plate Types

Sino-Inst supplies all kinds of the orifice plate, for differential applications.


For the common square edge concentric bore orifice, the bore and bevel is the standard method of limiting the plate edge thickness.

Unless otherwise specified, plates will be beveled to the currently accepted standards.


The quadrant edge bore is an orifice with the inlet edge rounded. Instead of beveling, the plate is counterbored to the desired edge thickness.

The radius of the quarter circle bore is a function of the orifice-to-pipe ratio (d/D). Thickness at the throat is equal to the radius.

This bore is specifically designed for viscous fluids such as heavy crudes, syrups, and slurries with Reynolds Numbers below 100,000.


Eccentrically bored orifice plates are plates, with the orifice off-center, or eccentric, as opposed to concentric.

The bore of the eccentric orifice normally is inscribed in a circle, which is 98% of the pipe diameter, so that solids or slurries may pass through.

Eccentric orifice plates are used in many industries, including heavy and light chemicals, steel, paper, nuclear and petrochemicals.


Segmentally bored orifice plates are provided for measurement, where solids are entrained in a gas or liquid flow stream.

The circular portion of the bore is inscribed within a circle, which is normally 98% of the pipe diameter.

The segmental opening may be placed either at the top or bottom of the pipe.

Industries using these bores include sewage treatment, steel, chemical, water conditioning, paper, and petrochemical.

RTJ Type Orifice Plates

The RTJ type orifice plate incorporates an integral gasket, either oval or octagonal ring, for mounting between ring type joint flanges.

It is based on proven technology, has no moving parts and is suitable for high temperature and pressure applications.

RTJ type orifice plates can be supplied complete with ANSI B16.36 orifice flanges.

Orifice plates are recommended for clean liquids, gases, and low-velocity stream flows.

Plate thicknesses depend on line size and differential pressure and should be sufficient, to prevent the plate from bending under operating conditions. Orifice plates can be made in accordance with customer drawings as required.

If you still have questions about orifice plate flow meters, Just contact us. Our engineers will offer help.

Advantages of Orifice Plate Flow Meter

  • The Orifice meter is very cheap as compared to other types of flow meters.
  • Less space is required to Install and hence ideal for space-constrained applications
  • The operational response can be designed with perfection.
  • Installation direction possibilities: Vertical / Horizontal / Inclined.

Orifice Flow Meter Applications

  • Natural Gas
  • Water Treatment Plants
  • Oil Filtration Plants
  • Petrochemicals and Refineries

Of course, in the water supply or wastewater treatment industry, in addition to orifice flowmeters, electromagnetic flowmeters are also the first consideration for many users in the measurement of water flow.
For example, if you need to measure the flow of wastewater in a 2-inch pipe. Then you may refer to: Magnetic Flow Meters Guides.

How much is a 2 inch water flow meter? Let’s find out.

Orifice Plate Flow Meter Installation

1. Meter manifold piping should always be installed to enable calibration as well as to protect the differential element against overage.

2. The meter should be installed as close as possible to the orifice fitting.

3. Always slope the manifold lines gently from the orifice fitting to the meter to eliminate any high or low points in the manifold lines.

4. Use condensate chambers or air traps to remove either liquid from a gas system or gas from a liquid system if lows or highs in the manifold piping cannot be avoided.

It is important when pressurizing or depressurizing differential measuring devices to apply or release pressure to or from the high and low meter chambers uniformly, so as not to impose excessive overage.

What is an Orifice Meter?

An orifice meter is a conduit and a restriction to create a pressure drop.

An hourglass is a form of the orifice.

A nozzle, venturi or thin sharp-edged orifice can be used as the flow restriction.

In order to use any of these devices for measurement, it is necessary to empirically calibrate them.

That is, pass a known volume through the meter and note the reading in order to provide a standard for measuring other quantities.

Due to the ease of duplicating and the simple construction, the thin sharp-edged orifice has been adopted as a standard and extensive calibration work has been done, so that it is widely accepted as a standard means of measuring fluids.

Provided the standard mechanics of construction are followed no further calibration is required.

The minimum cross-sectional area of the jet is known as the “vena contract”.

How does an orifice flow meter work?

I guess most people wondered: What is the working principle of orifice meter?

As the fluid approaches the orifice the pressure increases slightly and then drops suddenly as the orifice is passed.

It continues to drop until the “vena contract” is reached, and then gradually increases, until at approximately 5 to 8 diameters downstream, a maximum pressure point is reached, that will be lower than the pressure upstream of the orifice.

The decrease in pressure as the fluid passes thru the orifice, is a result of the increased velocity of the gas passing thru the reduced area of the orifice.

When the velocity decreases as the fluid leaves the orifice the pressure increases, and tends to return to its original level (To level transmitters).

All the pressure loss is not recovered because of friction, and turbulence losses in the stream.

The pressure drop across the orifice increases when the rate of flow increases.

When there is no flow there is no differential.

The differential pressure is proportional to the square of the velocity, it thus follows that if all other factors remain constant, then the differential is proportional to the square of the rate of flow.

Video source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/oUd4WxjoHKY?rel=0

Equations used in this orifice plate Calculator

Qv = 218.527*Cd*Ev*Y1*(d2 )*[Tb/Pb]*[(Pf1*Zb*hw)/(Gr*Zf1*Tf)]0.5 (3-6)


Cd = Orifice plate coefficient of discharge

d = Orifice plate bore diameter calculated at flowing temperature (Tf) – in.

Gr = Real gas relative density (specify gravity)

hw = Orifice differential pressure in inches of water at 60 degF

Ev = Velocity of approach factor

Pb = Base pressure – psia

Pf1 = Flowing pressure (upstream tap – psia

Qv = Standard volume flow rate – SCF/hr.

Tb = Base temperature – degR

Tf = Flowing temperature – degR

Y2 = Expansion factor (downstream tap)

Zb = Compressibility at base conditions (Pb,Tb)

Zf1 = Compressibility (upstream flowing conditions – Pf1, Tf)

Orifice Plate Flow Meter Calculation

Converters for conversion and calculation of flow. Or a calculation tool that requires flow measurement to obtain other measurement parameters. Help users choose the right flow sensor and transmitter!

DP Flow Meter Output CalculatorFlow Meter 4-20mA Current Output CalculatorFlow Velocity & Pipe Diameter to Volumetric Flow Rate Calculator
Mass Flow & Density to Volume Flow CalculatorMass Flow Rate Unit ConverterVolume Flow Rate Converter
Volume Flow & Density to Mass Flow CalculatorVolumetric Flow Rate & Pipe Diameter to Flow Speed Calculator

Venturi Flow Meter

Venturi flow meter is also called classical venturi, and is used to call venturi meter, standard venturi. It is used to measure the flow of single-phase stable fluid in closed pipelines.

Venturi flow meter is a flow measurement method based on the principle of differential pressure. Commonly used to measure the flow of fluids such as air, natural gas, coal gas, and water. In the standard throttling device, the upstream and downstream straight pipe sections required by it are short. The lasting pressure loss is small, the performance is stable, and the maintenance is convenient.

What is the difference between Venturimeter and orifice meter?

The difference between venturi flowmeter and orifice flowmeter:

Orifice flow meters and Venturi flow meters are very different in many aspects.

In order to reduce the loss of the kinetic energy of the fluid mechanics flowing through the saving components, the Venturi flowmeter uses each section of tapered and divergent tubes to replace the orifice.

The orifice flowmeter is equipped with an interchangeable orifice plate with a small circular hole on the upper side, which is much smaller than the diameter of the pipe. The orifice plate is placed on the side of the fluid mechanics pipe.

More about: Venturi Tube Flowmeter

1.The orifice flowmeter is similar to the Venturi flowmeter in the working principle. But some of the main differences are: the orifice plate can be easily replaced to accommodate a wide range of different flow rates.

The throat diameter of the venturi is fixed, so that the measured flow rate range is limited by the actual pressure difference.

Due to the vortex on the downstream side of the orifice, the permanent loss of the orifice flowmeter is very large.

The structure and shape of the Venturi flowmeter can avoid the formation of vortices, which can greatly reduce permanent losses.

2.The energy loss of Venturi flowmeter in measuring flow is much smaller than that of orifice flowmeter.
However, because the venturi flowmeter is more time-consuming in manufacturing and processing than the orifice flowmeter, and the price is high, the orifice flowmeter has the least trouble and the lowest cost during pipeline installation.

3.In terms of fluid measurement, Venturi flowmeters are generally used for low-velocity gas flow measurement.

The flow coefficient of the orifice plate in the orifice flowmeter is significantly affected by the fluid disturbance, and this disturbance comes from the influence of the valves, elbows and other pipe fittings installed upstream of the orifice plate. The value of its discharge coefficient is less affected by downstream disturbances. Generally, this kind of flowmeter should be installed at a distance of 50 times and 10 times the pipe diameter from the upstream and downstream disturbance components, respectively. Obviously the required distance is related to the nature of the disturbance.

Therefore, when measuring with an orifice flowmeter, the orifice flowmeter must be installed correctly according to the disturbance of the fluid.

The above is a detailed introduction to the question of “What is the difference between a venturi flowmeter and an orifice flowmeter”, I hope to help everyone.
If you have any other questions about this issue, please click Online Consultation and consult online customer service.

Extended reading:  Flow Nozzle for Steam Flow Measurement

Orifice flow meter


Orifice Meter is a liquid and gas flow measuring instrument. It is mainly used in high temperature and high pressure measurement conditions. Orifice Meter has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, the temperature can reach 700 degrees, and the pressure is 30MPa. In the field of high temperature and high pressure measurement, Orifice Meter is Use more differential pressure flowmeters.

What is the calibration accuracy of the orifice flowmeter?
The orifice flowmeter is a flow measuring instrument. The accuracy of the orifice flowmeter is within the range of ±0.5% to 1.5%. The orifice flowmeter has the characteristics of high temperature and high pressure. It is mainly used to measure steam and hot air. , Measurement conditions of heat transfer oil.

DPT meter is also a differential pressure transmitter.

DP transmitters are Differential Pressure Transmitters. DP transmitter measures the pressure difference between the gas or liquid at both ends of the transmitter. Output 4~20mA, 0~5V. Used for liquid level, density and pressure of liquid, gas and steam.

DP transmitters are different from pressure transmitters as they have 2 pressure interfaces. With flanges, capillaries, valve, brackets, throttle devices. Differential pressure transmitters are used to measure the level, density, and flow of liquids, gases, and vapors. Then convert it into 4–20mADC current signal output.

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Sino-Inst offers 12 orifice plate flow meter products. About 90% of these are flow meters.

A wide variety of orifice flow meter options are available to you, such as brass, carbon steel. You can also choose from free samples.

Sino-Inst is an orifice plate flow meter supplier. Orifice plate flow meter products are most popular in Domestic Market, Southeast Asia, and Mid East.

You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, including 375 with ISO9001, ISO14001, and Other certification.

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